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Author notes
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File credits
Activision/Infinity Ward - Assets, Animations, SFX Scobalula - CoD related tools, especially Greyhound and Parasyte dest1yo - Maintaining said CoD related tools
Donation Points system
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Inspect animations update. This version only adds inspect animations, so no need to update if you don't care about those.
Version 1.1
Gun firing sound is now properly categorized, so the volume will decrease with the volume settings.
Version 1.0-hotfix
Melee animation fixed.
Version 1.0
Initial release.
GENERAL INFO Adds the KV Broadside(Vepr-12) semi-auto shotgun from CoD: MW 2022 to fallout 4 with every animation and attachments. Endorsements and votes are appreciated. This is my twelfth mod.
This mod has been sitting in my drive for so long I just had to get it out
REQUIREMENTS Tactical Reload Framework - Optional patch See through Scopes - If you want to use the scopes
CURRENT ISSUES/BUGS No power armor animations - will not add
Credits Activision/Infinity Ward - Assets, Animations, SFX Scobalula - CoD related tools, especially Greyhound and Parasyte dest1yo - Maintaining said CoD related tools