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About this mod

Quick patch copying Spacefiddle's original patch for the first Wattz 3000 mod. This patches the new Wattz 3000 MkII using the same setup and requires the original Reverb patch to function.

Permissions and credits
Custom firing sound for the new Wattz 3000 Laser Gun MkII by Deadpool2099, created by Spacefiddle for the original Wattz 3000 release. The original patch works exactly the same for the new weapon as the sound setup has been retained, it just needs a new file (or update to the original patch). I prefer this method myself as my current playthrough uses both weapons for variety. Releasing this for those having issues copying the patch setup themselves from the original mods.

All credits to Spacefiddle for his original patch and custom-made audio files, Deadpool2099 for the Wattz 3000 and the MkII. Images used here were borrowed from their respective mod pages.

If you want to use this patch without the original you'll have to wait for Spacefiddle to create it or separate it in xEdit yourself, as I won't be posting his original audio files. For anyone savvy with xEdit this shouldn't be an issue, you'll need the original Wattz and Reverb patch installed temporarily for editing then they can be removed. If you need further help please post in comments or contact Spacefiddle to request a new patch.

Install - This does not install via mod manager as per usual and must be installed manually. Just navigate to the original reverb patch and drop it in that folder, make sure it loads below the original patch and MkII mods. Load order should be;
Wattz 3000 Laser Gun
Wattz 3000 Laser Gun Reverb and Sound Update
Wattz 3000 Laser Gun MkII
Wattz 3000 Laser Gun Reverb and Sound Update MkII