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As a special exemption, I grant permission to the Sim Settlements Team (lead by Kinggath) to include this mod in any All-In-One compilation mods to be posted both on Nexus and Bethesda.net. Additionally the Sim Settlements Team (lead by Kinggath) may enable Nexus Donation Points on any All-In-One compilation mods that include this mod.
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For the March 2025 Plot-A-Palooza Contest.
Robochef - An INTERNAL advanced agricultural plot.
The Theme was "Agricultural Revolution: What can you do to revitalize agriculture across the commonwealth?"
For my entry, I went for a simple design, a basic kitchen design that gets gradually upgraded, until it is "manned" by a broken robobrain chef. As an advanced agricultural plot, the theme is that the robobrain cooks a variety of delicious and nutritious meals from the on-site grown food, with minimal wastage, getting more food out of the same area. The settler staffing the plot is a combination waiter/robobrain technician. Please check the screenshots above for pictures of each level.
Supports a single worker at all 3 levels.
Support Me
Special Permissions As a special exemption, I grant permission to the Sim Settlements Team (lead by Kinggath) to include this mod in any All-In-One compilation mods to be posted both on Nexus and Bethesda.net. Additionally the Sim Settlements Team (lead by Kinggath) may enable Nexus Donation Points on any All-In-One compilation mods that include this mod.