Power Armour
- Refine results Found 858 results. 63364 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
The X-02 Power Armor wielded by the forces of the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland. Now in the Commonwealth!
- 444.1MB
- 41.0k
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The X-02 Power Armor wielded by the forces of the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland. Now in the Commonwealth!
Changes the enter and exit animations to be much quicker and an optional "Heroic" empty idle stance.
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Changes the enter and exit animations to be much quicker and an optional "Heroic" empty idle stance.
P.A.M.S - Power Armor Movement Sounds
Adds more weight to power armor movement
The intimidating Hellfire Power Armor from Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, finally lands in the Commonwealth. Now patched to 0.2
- 404.1MB
- 17.5k
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The intimidating Hellfire Power Armor from Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, finally lands in the Commonwealth. Now patched to 0.2
T-49 - Armor of the Storyteller
You've watched him for years, now finally see things through his eyes. Adorn the Power Armor of ShoddyCast's Storyteller!
- 225.9MB
- 16.6k
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T-49 - Armor of the Storyteller
You've watched him for years, now finally see things through his eyes. Adorn the Power Armor of ShoddyCast's Storyteller!
Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Garage (WIPAG)
The largest Power Armor Overhaul for Fallout 4. Advanced Power Armor with 6 unique specializations, 100's of new power armor mods, new sound effects, Hotkeyed mod control with MCM Menu.
- 57.2MB
- 14.7k
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Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Garage (WIPAG)
The largest Power Armor Overhaul for Fallout 4. Advanced Power Armor with 6 unique specializations, 100's of new power armor mods, new sound effects, Hotkeyed mod control with MCM Menu.
Power Armor Materials AND Paints (PAMAP)
A simple mod that allows both materials and paints to be applied to the T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01 power armor. No longer Maintained.
- 44KB
- 12.9k
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Power Armor Materials AND Paints (PAMAP)
A simple mod that allows both materials and paints to be applied to the T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01 power armor. No longer Maintained.
Tumbajamba's Combat Power Armor
A brand new Combat Powerarmor.
TES-51 Power Armor -Skyrim Inspired-
"I tell you, I tell you, The Dragonborn comes..." TES-51 Power Armor adds a new set of armor and some extras, designed to be a crossover between Fallout 4 and Skyrim!
- 101.8MB
- 11.2k
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TES-51 Power Armor -Skyrim Inspired-
"I tell you, I tell you, The Dragonborn comes..." TES-51 Power Armor adds a new set of armor and some extras, designed to be a crossover between Fallout 4 and Skyrim!
Consistent Power Armor Overhaul
Why doesn't the T-51 have a rusty texture? Why does only the T60 have brotherhood paintjobs? Why don't the T-45 and X-01 have raw metal textures by default? If you're asking these sorts of questions then oh boy, have I got the mod for you...
- 113.7MB
- 10.4k
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Consistent Power Armor Overhaul
Why doesn't the T-51 have a rusty texture? Why does only the T60 have brotherhood paintjobs? Why don't the T-45 and X-01 have raw metal textures by default? If you're asking these sorts of questions then oh boy, have I got the mod for you...
Submersible Power Armor -Bioshock Inspired-
Explore the depths! Crush your enemies! Protect your children! Submersible Power Armor brings a brand new set of power armor to the Commonwealth, inspired by the iconic look of Bioshock's Big Daddies!
- 146.3MB
- 7.7k
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Submersible Power Armor -Bioshock Inspired-
Explore the depths! Crush your enemies! Protect your children! Submersible Power Armor brings a brand new set of power armor to the Commonwealth, inspired by the iconic look of Bioshock's Big Daddies!
Institute Power Armor I-01
This will replace ridiculous half transparent... whatever it is with something much nicer.
- 164KB
- 7.4k
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This will replace ridiculous half transparent... whatever it is with something much nicer.
Become the mighty space marine! This mod adds the famous power armor with many of the chapters and two customizable bolt gun's from the Warhammer 40,000 Universe!
- 1.6GB
- 7.0k
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Become the mighty space marine! This mod adds the famous power armor with many of the chapters and two customizable bolt gun's from the Warhammer 40,000 Universe!
Highly detailed military themed power armor paint jobs. All Standalone. 2k and 4k versions NOW AVAILABLE! XBOX ONE version NOW LIVE!*****PLEASE NOTE*****11/14/16 - Re uploading 4k file, upload / download size does not match.2K confirmed to work.
- 1.6GB
- 6.6k
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Highly detailed military themed power armor paint jobs. All Standalone. 2k and 4k versions NOW AVAILABLE! XBOX ONE version NOW LIVE!*****PLEASE NOTE*****11/14/16 - Re uploading 4k file, upload / download size does not match.2K confirmed to work.
Craft special relay beacons which teleport your most recently-worn power armor to your location.
- 2KB
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Craft special relay beacons which teleport your most recently-worn power armor to your location.
Recreation of the Hellcat Power Armor from Fallout 76
Recreation of the T 65 Power Armor from Fallout 76
Better Power Armor - A Power Armor Overhaul
Your Power Armor will now fully absorb the damage of ballistic and laser weapon types. Each armor part will work individually and absorb the damage of the bodypart it covers. When one power armor part breaks, only this bodypart that was covered will take damage. Keep your power armor in a good state and it will protect you.
- 282KB
- 6.1k
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Better Power Armor - A Power Armor Overhaul
Your Power Armor will now fully absorb the damage of ballistic and laser weapon types. Each armor part will work individually and absorb the damage of the bodypart it covers. When one power armor part breaks, only this bodypart that was covered will take damage. Keep your power armor in a good state and it will protect you.
Better Dials for Power Armor - Fallout 4
Power armor dials that are more clear, cleaner, and less distracting. Comes in 4 colors. Hand crafted for improved aesthetics and performance. Install this if the blocky user interface when inside power armor annoys you.
- 474KB
- 5.9k
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Better Dials for Power Armor - Fallout 4
Power armor dials that are more clear, cleaner, and less distracting. Comes in 4 colors. Hand crafted for improved aesthetics and performance. Install this if the blocky user interface when inside power armor annoys you.