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Hello everyone. Its tuesday today which means its time for another video.
And the settlement is getting full you guys. However there are still people living here without a roof above their head.
I mean.. Its a metro station so they kinda already have a roof above their head but... well.. you know what I mean.
Anyways, lets roll the intro and build a generic shed which will be the home for 2 more lucky settlers.

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If you have any suggestions for what I should build next then comment down below.

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►What is realistic settlement building?

In this series I show you how to build and create realistic looking buildings inside your settlement of choice for Fallout 4.
These settlement builds are not hard to make and don't take up a lot of time.
I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did then make sure to give it a like.

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My name is TU3SD4Y and I will see you next time.