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Crime And Punishment - Silver Shroud Part II

This is the second demonstration of the Silver Shroud integration into Crime and Punishment. Contained in this 3 minutes video are two demonstrations, featuring combat surrender against raiders; one female and one male. These demonstrations highlight a few items:

  • Distinct Silver Shroud dialogue for your interactions with your surrendered captive.
  • The dialogue is content and context aware. If your target doesn't believe you are the Shroud, your responses to them will address their skepticism.
  • You will see that there are placeable Silver Shroud Calling Cards, just as there are in the MS04 quest. Except now, you can make new ones in the Chem Lab.
  • You will see the new combat bark, detection and flee system that is in place, where raiders will recognize you as the Shroud when seeing you and fighting you.
  • Finally, you will see the Shroud's last remarks to their victims, finalized by a dramatic sound effect, very aligned to the style of the Silver Shroud*.

So how does the raider combat bark system work? The more raiders you execute during these surrender interactions and the more calling cards you place, the greater the chances that every raider in the game will get added NormalToAlert and NormalToCombat combat barks that reflect them seeing you as the Shroud. They will also comment on you being the Shroud should they decide to flee from you while in combat. The whole system will only run once you have placed enough cards, to simulate the fact that you are spreading fear among the raider population of the Commonwealth. Why only raiders? Part of MS04 is assassinating raiders, to get to Sinjin, a raider boss. The Shroud is tied to raiders. And also, in the game audio files, only the raider voice types have lines relating to the Shroud.

Are there any perks to doing a Shroud play through? No. But everything added here is an extra layer of immersion and extends a portion of the game that was more or less ignored once MS04 was completed.

And let's face it... its fun, its new and noone has done anything like this before. And that's what I am always all about in my creative modding endeavors; innovating and being the first to add content, extending the life of the game, in ways that make the content feel as if it was always a part of the game right from the beginning.

And that underlines what Crime And Punishment is all about - to be a part of the game, immersing you in it, without feeling overdone or underdone... rather, to just feel like a perfect fit.

Voice Actresses and Actors!!!

Crime And Punishment is still in need of vocal talent!!! I need 2 males for Diamond City Security lines. I need 1 male who can approximate Abbot (the gruff wall painting fellow in Diamond City) and I also need 2 males and 2 females for voicing the various Bounty Hunters. Seven voices total. If you want to be a part of a game-changing experience, please send me a private message!

(*) - Dramatic Sound Effects were made by Fesliyan Studios as a royalty and copyright free resource for any and all to use.

1 comment

  1. choochoo1
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Love it.
    It is sad, Silver Shroud was a great quest line and they didn't really do anything with it after you completed it. this is a nice expansion on it.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 830 kudos
      Right? A late game nemesis (arch villain style, like in the old pulp comics or tv series/movies) would have been awesome.