Fallout 4

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Move file called appmanifest_377160.acf out of steam folder, preferably to a folder named backup in the FO4 directory. Restart Steam. Now Steam thinks the game isn't installed; aka no more updates. Just add f4se_loader.exe as a non steam game and launch it that way.
This also works for SSE, just find the correct .acf file and move it.


  1. Okami817
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I use steam though!  I launch it under fallout 4 (replaced the actual exe with the f4se.exe) because I want to track playtime.  Come on, there's gotta be a way to stop steam from doing this.
  2. LpoolGaz
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Still wanted to verify + update

    Had to go Offline to stop it.
    1. WOTmodsproductions
      • member
      • 112 kudos
      Same I had to go to offline mode, after using this it wouldn’t let me launch through mod manager without updating the game.

      Don’t use this method, find another way to stop the update if anyone is considering it because it might not work.

      I mentioned before on this page I didn’t think it was going to work and it didn’t work correctly for me.

      i installed fallout 4 twice as a precaution by remaining the game folders so I went into offline mode, renamed the game folder and have the old version installed as long as I’m in offline mode it doesn’t attempt to update it, I just have to remember to rename the game folder every time I go to online mode or it tries to update it again.
  3. Khornelia
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you for this! I was not looking forward to losing my modlist lol
  4. stuckvalve
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    This will certainly work, but there are simpler options. If you've modded the game with F4SE and Steam behaves properly, you can simply set the game properties for FO4 in Steam to "Only update this game when I launch it." Then you always launch via F4SE (never via Steam) and no updates will be applied. If you're worried that you might forget or that Steam may bork that setting, you can go find the same manifest file on you PC. Instead of moving it, right-click it, select Properties and check the box for "Read-only." Now Steam can't update it even if you launch from there. 
    1. LuigiCadorna
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      The issue with this method is that Steam, for whatever reason, continues to disregard changes made to the fallout 4 update settings and always revert back to "Always keep game updated" setting. 
  5. WOTmodsproductions
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    • 112 kudos
    Hey so i tried this and it worked once, but as soon as I launch the game through the mod manager it re adds the game to steam and changes my settings on steam to "always update this game".The file called appmanifest_377160 is still missing from the game files after I moved it, but the game settings have reset themselves, if I close steam and reopen it again it changes to fallout 4 not installed.

    I have doubts that when and update comes that its actually going to stop it from updating as I cant change the update settings anymore, they revert back if I try and change to to only update when I launch the game, and like I say fallout 4 appears again in my library.

    Basically my fallout 4 disappears when I follow this but adds itself again when I launch the game with F4SE or mod manager, is this normal? 
    1. Blackdognation
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      Check to see if you can browse the games local files. I have the same thing happening, even updates the cloud, but if I browse local files, it shows no files. I also made the file mentioned Read Only.
    2. NiennaClawtooth
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      I have the same thing happening, when starting through ModManager (I am using MO2) Fallout 4 reappears in Steam, and it´s changed to "always update game". 
      But: I CAN browse local files, it´s all there. I made the .acf file to read only too, and it is still missing from the games file folder, but I am not convinced that everything is "secured" now. I can only hope that my modded game doesn´t break after the update.
      Plus Steam has registered that I have "played today"......

      Edit: I have also reinstalled this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26956?tab=description, just to be safe. 
  6. BossDaddyD
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    • 13 kudos
    IMO releasing out new updates on Bethesda's games is part of their corporate objective. Look at this: messing the mods made by community contributors extends the "lifetime" of their product now players will have to wait for mods to be compatible again and start all over again and again trying to find that sweetspot for the modded game's stability and quality. So don't expect game companies giving you free updates from the goodness of their hearts it's business and more time for the users equals more profits for them. Thank you to post author for this trick..
  7. Blackdognation
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     (Edit)... Looks like it may have worked. No local files when I try to browse them. Even after loading and saving a game. Guess we find out when the update comes.
  8. angryvegetarian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you so much for this.

    I spent months getting into the game, getting all the "right" mods, getting fully into the story, etc. Had to take a break and was planning on jumping back in. When I read about the update I realized my world was in danger. This is a huge relief to me.

    Thank you.
  9. yourdestinyishere
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    • 1 kudos
    Currently playing a new game of FO4 based on the Midnight ride with a few of my own mods on top. Knowing that on the 25th a real update has been planned for FO4, this tutorial is a blessing. I'm gonna do this as soon as I get back behind my pc.
    I will update eventually, once I've completed my full playthrough 5 times (Namely, I will play up to the point of no return, and go with each faction (Plus America Rising 2) Just to get a taste of it all) and the Midnight Ride is actually updated fully.

    I was burned before by Skyrim's sudden update and the death of "A Dragonborns Fate" mod guide, and I don't want to get burned again.

    Once again, thank you so much.
  10. makar55
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I am not playing Fallout 4 currently but planning to do so in next 2 years, should I care about Fallout 4 updates or not?
    1. deleted1447194
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Bethesda keeps updating their creation club bullcrap without ever adding any kind of fix for the base game or even dlc areas.
      All this does is mess up mods that rely on Fallout 4 script extender.
    2. makar55
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      In long term run will these mods be updated?
    3. skullpoker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      As the constant unnecessary updates add to the install size, yes. You should care.
    4. Ironbatman300
      • supporter
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      as bethesda adds unnecessary updates that don't fix any problems in the vanilla games/DLCs, mods built for previous versions of those games will tend to become incompatible. Generally it's recommended to not update after installing mods and to only install mods that are compatible with the currently installed version of the game being modded.