Fallout 4

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This is a tutorial for navmeshing in CK for Fallout 4. Covers the basics as well as other useful navmesh tips. Shows how to fix deleted navmesh and precuts.   My YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR0fu_RkinszofsXTe6Cf1g


  1. BeechMasters
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    I like how you did not assume we knew anything and yet still showed us what to do without being condescending.
    You took a rather complicated subject and actually made it understandable.
    I would gladly watch more videos if you choose to make more than the three I am aware of.
    So then, on a large flat area. One could place a few VERY large triangles then?
    I am going to assume there was a reason why you did not do that but I have no clue what it is.
    Secondly, making a few large ones is not better than several little triangles I am guessing. In other words. It does not make things faster to load etc nor does it make it easier for the program [game engine] to figure out pathing etc?
    Thanks a HUGE amount for your three videos.
    They were very enjoyable
    1. deleted38759720
      • account closed
      • 275 kudos
      The large triangles are preferable as long as they are on top of ground. Not sunk and not floating. I use collision geometry when the ground is uneven so that the triangles sit on top of collision plane. Super tiny triangles are not good. The more triangles in a cell, the more data for AI to process but the way I make them are uniform in size and shape. No starburst patterns.
    2. BeechMasters
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Ok thanks.
      I was wondering about that.
      So on smooth flat ground. Just two can be used to make a square or rectangle then.
      Got it.
      Thanks again, and I look forward to more of these if you are willing to do them
    3. deleted38759720
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      • 275 kudos
      Was there a topic you wanted covered? I made these ones I did make per request rather than just randomly. I had a few more but they need to be updated for the new version of FO4Edit. I had one about cleaning mods, making changes and checking for conflicts but since they updated xEdit, the cleaning part is no longer valid. The other one I just posted about wild edits does cover checking for conflicts and making changes even though the editor version is the older one...information is still pretty close.
  2. speedynl
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    i like the border part, most prolly forget to connect them propper

    nice vid, for those wo need it

    1. deleted38759720
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      • 275 kudos
      Thank you!
  3. villings
    • BANNED
    • 48 kudos
    1. deleted38759720
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      • 275 kudos
      I had it up on YouTube for over a year but I had to delete my channel because it forever linked my YouTube account with my son’s email. But I re uploaded it on my new channel.
    2. villings
      • BANNED
      • 48 kudos
      have a great end of the year!
    3. deleted38759720
      • account closed
      • 275 kudos
      Thanks! You as well