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Crime And Punishment - Prisoner Settlement System Demo

This is a small demonstration of the new settlement build items that are part of the overall Prisoner Settlement System. It also highlights functions put into place to ensure assigned prisoners NEVER leave their assigned "job", even when you leave and return to the settlement (this also includes them ignoring combat situations around them).

The entire Prisoner Settlement System is more than what is shown here - it basically functions as a meter of unhappiness (separate from workshop settlement unhappiness) and if a threshold is reached, a settler attack occurs where your prisoner settlers revolt and try to take the settlement from you (settlement loss). More details about the system will be released at a later date.


  1. Rammer19
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i've wanted to build an actual jail in fallout for so long you can't believe how happy this makes me
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 905 kudos
      Once Alpha 3 is released, you will have your dream come true.
  2. KeyC0de
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    Shouldn't you be getting negative Karma by doing that?
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 905 kudos
      You do for hanging them - but I was not tracking any karma in this test, so nothing would've reported.

      Hanging = execution karma.

      Pillory and Jail Cell are karma free actions. In my view, you already earned bad karma for taking a prisoner. Using jailing or a stockade would be inline with the negative karma already earned, and these "job stations" would be used as a means to convert them to normal settlers - not necessarily cruel punishments.

      If you don't use any of the above and opt to just let them be farmers or whatever, you can also melee/pistol whip them to reduce their uprising values, but that too, like hanging them, is a negative karma action, illustrating the line between fair punishment and cruelty.