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Look ma, no arrays!


  1. jerire65
    • supporter
    • 44 kudos
    I Like It, All we need now is a Mega City in the Clouds .
  2. adammcbane
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    I have always wanted something past 6 floors don't see a need for 221 though lol. I mean I would love such high number but if the system can't take it... 10 floors would be a nice number I say. Past 10 I think an Idea would be a load cell at say 11 or so and a new cell every x new floor like every 10? Basement living type mod activated with an elevator that goes down maybe OO. <<<< Yes this lol.
    1. niston
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, has 'just' 163 floors. Frank Lloyd Wright's "The Illinois"* however would require 528 floors. =)

      This elevator works from 1 to n floors (altho just a single floor doesn't really make sense, does it). The panel in the cab can have 25 buttons at maximum. The buttons and their labels are generated at runtime by script, according to the elevator's floor configuration. Buttons and labels auto-arrange on the panel, based on the number of accessible floors, to always form an "aesthetically pleasing" pattern of buttons on the panel. These arrangements are fully programmable, but I supply default ones that support from 1 to 25 buttons.

      Configuring the elevator means adding floors in CK and reflinking them to the elevator controller, or simply deleting them. Oh, and you have to tell the elevator controller the number of the lowest floor. Nothing else is required really, as the controller then enumerates the floors automatically. You can however configure overrides for each floor, to make the floor:

      a) have a symbol instead of a number (for example, "L" for Lobby instead of 0)
      b) use a custom symbol as negative sign (for example "B" for Basement instead of -, so B1 instead of -1)
      c) be inaccessible from the panel (floor will be counted, may or may not have doors and there is no button on the panel for it)
      d) require the player to have a configurable "keycard" item in their inventory, or they wont be able to select the floor (locked floor)

      Some settings, such as what symbol to use as negative sign, can also be configured "system wide", directly on the elevator controller.

      The floors can be at arbitrary heights and intervals and there may be empty sections devoid of floors (as far as the elevator is concerned).
      Each floor may have zero, one or two doors and zero, one, two or even more call buttons on the floor itself.

      For the 221 floor elevator from the video, I configured all the floors with numbers from xx1 to xx9 as inaccessible from the panel. This results in the button configuration 10, 20, 30, 40, ... as shown in the video.

      Little extra: The elevator music is an actual radio, so you can make it play any radio station you want.

      As for travelling between cells, it should be doable with clever placement of elevators and automatic load doors.

    2. adammcbane
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      This sounds great, I like the idea of some floors can be restricted or pretty much skipped if I understand correct, Ive built stuff where one floor might actually be the height of 2, or multi level factories were each floor is pretty much 2 so a 4 or 6 floor elevator ends up having useless floors, this seems great for that situation. The load cell one reason I mentioned it is heavily on performance, multiple 10 story buildings in one area start to cause funny issues like that mirror/ world breaking look, yes I get carried away building. But yeah would love a Basement living style one even if it were just one, build your own institute at your desired location mod lol.

      You sure love to push the scripting ideas lol.
  3. Ewarre
    • supporter
    • 37 kudos
    LOL, at that height I think your next step is a space port

    well done !
  4. RickyTheOx
    • premium
    • 147 kudos

    Is that a thingy now
    1. niston
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      You know, I coc'd to my test cell from the main menu, so I basically got a lvl 1 char with s*** for stats. I then jumped up in the elevator while it was going down and the hatch was open. I nearly died from the fall back into the cab. xD
    2. RickyTheOx
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Oupss... well thats the beauty in ones and zeroes... anything can happen

      Planing a mod on that ?