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14 - Mirelurk Crab / Nukalurk Crab / Bloodrage Mirelurk


  • The Mirelurk crab shells absorb most of the impacts, making Mirelurk crabs almost invulnerable while they have their shells.
  • When the shell is destroyed, Mirelurk crabs become faster.
  • When the shell is destroyed, Mirelurk crabs take double damage.
  • Slow weapons are a poor choice for destroying shells.
  • Automatic weapons, explosives, grenades, and flamethrowers are good for quickly destroying shells.
  • Perks that increase melee damage, one-handed and two-handed weapons, explosives, and heavy weapons help to destroy shells more quickly.
  • [Group Combat] If fighting alongside a Hunter Mirelurk, the Mirelruk crab will form in front of it to absorb projectiles.
  • [Group Combat] When the Hunter Mirelurk blinds its prey, the Mirelurk crab will run to engage in melee combat with the prey.
  • [Group Combat] When the blindness begins to dissipate, the Mirelurk crab will return to protect the hunter.

15 - Mirelurk Hunter / Nukalurk Hunter

  • Hunter Mirelurks spit a mixture of poison, blood, and mud to blind their targets.
  • When the prey is blinded, the Hunter Mirelurk will switch to a melee attack mode.
  • Melee attacks are weaker than usual, but in return, they will damage the limbs of their prey.
  • When the blindness effect wears off, the Hunter Mirelurk will quickly retreat to create distance and resume ranged attacks.
  • The shell of the Hunter Mirelurk will reduce projectile damage. The farther the distance, the less damage projectiles will inflict.
  • [Group Combat] When fighting alongside Mirelurk crabs, Mirelurk crabs will position themselves in front of the hunter to block projectiles.
  • [Group Combat] When the Hunter Mirelurk blinds the prey, it will maintain its position and continue ranged attacks; meanwhile, it will send the Mirelurk crabs to engage in melee combat.
  • [Group Combat] When the blindness effect is wearing off, the Mirelurk crabs will run towards the Hunter Mirelurk to reform the barrier.