Fallout 4

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16 - Mirelurk Spawn/ Nukalurk Spawn

  • The Mirelurk spawns now explode upon death, leaving a pool of acidic blood that progressively damages you. The closer you are to the pool, the greater the damage.
  • When they feel threatened, they will run towards you and explode upon contact.
  • [Mirelurk Queen]: The pool of acidic blood will be absorbed by the Mirelurk queen, causing her to regenerate health.

17 - Mirelurk Queen/ Nukalurk Queen

  • Due to its large size, the Mirelurk queen will now be slower, making her rely primarily on her ranged attack.
  • Her ranged attack will have a similar effect to the Mirelurk hunter. If you are hit by the acid, it will cause temporary blindness. Most of the acid is distributed to her spawns, so the damage from the acid spit is reduced.
  • Now the queen will launch her eggs at you. When the eggs hatch, the spawns will begin to follow you, and when they die from damage or come into contact with you, they will explode and leave a pool of acidic blood.
  • When the queen walks over or near the acidic pools, she will begin to regenerate her health.
  • The queen's shell helps reduce long-range damage. The farther the source of the damage, the greater the reduction.
  • Every 25% of lost HP, the queen will roar to alert her guards. After roaring, the queen will start absorbing her lost acidic blood to regenerate.
  • After hearing the roar, her spawns will run towards her to be consumed by the queen. When the queen consumes them, she rapidly regenerates her lost health.
  • When the guards hear the roar, they will rush towards you to protect their queen while she regenerates.
  • While the queen consumes the spawns, she will be highly vulnerable to close-range damage.