Fallout 4

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About this video

Part 1 of a story of the Lone Wanderer entering into the wasteland on a mission to find his son at all costs.

This is my first attempt at making a cinematic video using recorded game footage to tell a story. This video was made with the PC version of the game utilizing quite a few mods from the Nexus community. I will update with a list of mods used soon once I have more time.

Please share your thoughts. Remember this is my first video so don't expect Hollywood quality production here. This took me about 15 hours to make across 4 days (told you I'm new at this) plus around 12 hours of game time recording.

PC Specs:
Intel i5 3350
Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 2GB
SanDisk SSD
Windows 10

Recorded with GeForce Shadow Play feature

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