Fallout 4

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Currently adds back Fallout 3's original Grenade functionality in the form of custom modifiable grenade.
*Grenades still stack as long as the name and mods for it are the same
*Grenades will be removed when fired by player
*Target NPCs/ArmedMines with VATS

I am currently missing necessary custom animations for 1st and 3rd person, right now it looks like a grenade firing a grenade which as you can imagine is beyond belief.

So if anyone has animation skills for Fallout 4 and are willing to offer their skills please don't hesitate to comment below and or send me a private message on the nexus.

Thank you, and lets bring back this missed feature from previous fallouts for players who miss it.

Also, if anyone knows how to make projectile models match weapon models that would add even more modified variety to these grenades :)