Fallout 4

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Update to my Fallout 4 Enclave Remnants Bunker. A few new items i created. Mod is coming soon, almost done with asset creations, is going to be just a player home type location. Also if theres any questions about the content or something you would like to know or see please leave a comment.


  1. Kirk0KnightofThorns
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey man, xbox User here with some words about the bunker and the workshop items.
    I simply wanted to say that your mod as it is runs flawless on the system and that I am impressed with the structures and their precise look.
    I always used the structures of another mod as settlement bunker objects but switched pretty fast to what you have to offer.
    All in all a very solid work, thank you!
    And the idea with the photon barriers and shielded power armor racks is what other Enclave Mods lack.
    Nice job!

    As a side note I would recommend to reshape the structure elements in your workshop-mod to a more 'box' - like shape on the exterior so the parts fit better without the gap created by the curved shapes and additionally it would hide the doors if opened.
    What I am referring to are the 'BOS Hallways' of the SOE mod, it's a source for more diversity in hallways as well but it's just a recommendation if you should wish to expand the current set.
    Also it would be cool if you added lamps to the ceiling where there are already 'tracks' for lamps.

    That's all I got.
    Keep up the good work.
    Your content is a valuable addition to all the Enclave Troops out there in the wastes!
  2. Ash4238
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This exactly what I've been looking for! This looks amazing, will it be coming to Xbox?
  3. tanque007
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    you make them too big and this game is not well optimized look at how the fps fall if you want to make a base of that size the best thing you can do is reduce the size of the cell and make more base in another distal cell connected to the first
  4. LordVlork
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This really is remarkable work. Patiently awaiting its release.
  5. bloxyman
    • member
    • 100 kudos
    This is incredible! Could you add these things:
    - Enclave Vertibirds. A reskin of the current one to match the Fallout 2 vertibirds would be a really cool addition.
    - Auto-Doc. It would make sense for the Enclave to have an advanced version of the Auto-Doc.
    - Feature to bury a fallen Enclave NPC. Remnant Bunker Player Home & Atlas Summit did this, so why not do your own take?
    - Commissary Terminal. The ones from Lonesome Road, since the NCR researched old Enclave tech in the Divide.

    These are just ideas I think could really benefit the mod. If you have your own ideas, I understand. Though it would be cool to see these high-tech items in your Enclave Bunker.
  6. lonewanderer345
    • premium
    • 143 kudos
    Looks amazing.
    "just a player home........" really doesn't do what you are creating justice. This is the 'outpost' you refer to on your Enclave Bunker page?
    1. KalibKadafi
      • premium
      • 208 kudos
      Actually no. There was to many issues with the other bunker mod. I somehow screwed up when making the outside area, broke the precombine or something. Starting from scratch on this one. I've been making all new assets, so the entrance to this one shouldn't conflict with anything. Dont know if I will add a settlement to the location, However I am going to incorporate my other mod enclave workshop with this so most of the assets can be used. I would have to make some kind of building set to go with it.