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About this mod

Update Legendary Modification mod for London renamed legendary abilities, as well as DLC items.,

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This carries forward the Legendary name and description changes in London for Exterminators and Mutant Slayers. It also adds the DLC legendary abilities into the system.

This does require the original mod Hard variant, it may work w/other variants, but was designed and tested around hard. Likely doesn't support the 2LM patch
There is an option untested version without the Legendary Module crafting requirement that may work with the Easy variants of the original mod.

With the HP bug, I wanted a little edge. Looking at a few similar mods, Legendary Modifications seemed to have minor game changes. At least w/o the 2LM option. Mostly to cause as little compat issues as possible w/other mods.
Basically I just wanted the names/descriptions consistent, and while there is another mod that adds the DLC legendary, I didn't want AWKCR dependency as well.