Skyrim Mod Sanctuary - Part 17 : Into the mix

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Some of you may already have watched some of my videos, but if not let me introduce myself. I'm Gopher and I have recently be given news writer status on the Nexus sites and I will be posting video tutorials, hot fixes, mod reviews and anything else that may be of interest to the Skyrim Nexus modding community. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel, ask me questions and post suggestions. The aim of the channel is very simple: To make modding as accessible as possible, to as many people as possible. And so with that in mind, here is my latest video: Skyrim Mod Sanctuary - part 17 : Into the mix.


  1. shadowman117
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Thanks for your videos Gopher. They have helped me find essential must have mods.

  2. knovack1
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    The Obsidian is a must try. The armor color is unique, But the Obsidian weapons are just BadAss looking. The weapons look like they are actually made out of Obsidian rock. Check out the Obsidian stuff, you can make all of the Obsidian stuff at a forge. If you are perked out to make glass armor.

    Keep them videos coming. Thanks
  3. Kiwi-Hawk
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    Kia Ora

    Great work as always mate

    Did you get the link I sent for that Obsidian armor, thought you might like the colouring

    it's glass based so up your alley style wise

    Thanks again for the great videos, looking forward to your (I figure there'll be one <grin> load order video when they sort all that out
  4. clannader
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  5. toolfan9284
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Nice video as always Gopher, congrats on the writer status gig.
  6. No_Aardvarks_Allowed
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    I've followed your terrific videos on Youtube for a while, but since I don't have an account there, I've never been able to say thanks. So: THANKS! I even had to go back and fiddle around a bit with F:NV again some time before Skyrim was released, after watching one of your videos .
  7. Nadimos
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    *cheers* o / *cheers*
  8. Cos76
    • premium
    • 88 kudos
    yea your vids are great,always watch them,always enjoy themsubscribed also from day onevery helpful so thank you for themon to the next^^
  9. Carimya
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    I think I´ll go to youtube and watch your other videos^^ I really enjoy listening to your voice introducing the mods in detail. So don´t worry about talking too much
  10. jaysus
    • member
    • 743 kudos
    i so love the accent and voice