Fallout 76
Halloween approaches

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The sun is starting to settle, the sky is bright orange and you hurry up home before the night falls. You walk the road, all alone, surrounded by dead trees when suddenly you see on the side of the road dozens and dozens of carved pumpkins sitting on rows of what looked like crudely built wooden steps.
Each pumpkin was unique, showing different types of faces and expressions. Who could've put them here? There was no one living in close vicinity.
All of the sudden, you feel what felt like an unnatural cold breeze brushing against you followed by a few dead leaves.
Right after that, one of the carved pumpkins, showing an evil smile, start to light up all by itself as if there was a lit candle inside it. Then another one start to light up, and another until all of them are lit up.

You then realize this can only mean one thing, Halloween is approaching...