Fallout 76
ReShade test

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This game has such a bad reputation, but as I slowly make my way through Virginia I'm blown away by how much detail has been added to the world (16 times the detail of Fallout 4!  lol).

Such a shame it had such a horrible release.


  1. DadBodTodd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Holy crap...I want this reshade lol
  2. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    I didn't pick this one up as it I like my adventures solo, but this pic does look great and it makes me wonder if I shouldn't load it up
    1. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      I am a pure soloist as well, even in ESO I have been in a total of about 6 groups in 5 years of playing.

      But in this game, trust me, it's very suitable for the solo explorer. I rarely if ever run into other players, and a few times I've actually been grateful.

      If you can pick it up on sale, go for it. It is pretty casual, relaxing fun. (Surprising how relaxing a post-nuclear apocalypse game can be, lol.) The quests are well done and sometimes intriguing, even if there are no NPCs. I think the addition of NPCs will just make it even better.

      It's not a fantastic game by Bethesda standards, it has its flaws. But it's definitely a very good game if you give it a chance. A solid 7/10, sometimes even an 8.5/10. People just don't want to give it a chance anymore, especially with how buggy it released (and still is).

      TLDR - Buy it on sale and you probably won't regret it.