About this mod
Displays all rewards at once, not one by one (season 19 compatible)
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
VendingHistory - VendorLog integration - Persistent sale history by integrating Vendor Log output to Vending History interface. Search functionality. Localization support.
Skip Scrap Confirm - Simple UI change to skip scrap confirmation menus (both optional). Extended Components view, no scrolling.
Improved Social Menu - Fixes friend selection switching when trying to join world. Removes blue text shadow, teams popup and team creation delay. Adds friends count and Character name. And more...
HUD Challenges and Events - Simple customizable widget to show challenges and currently active events/caravans on HUD
BuffsMeter - Active Effects on HUD - Simple customizable widget to show active effects / buffs on HUD
Server Player List - Simple customizable widget to show all players on current server
Improved Workbench, Crafting, Examine, Inspect Menu - Improved Quantity Menu Input. Set Default Quantity Value. Quick Repair Button in Workbench. Show Durability and Condition. Examine Menu Repair Kit.
Invent O Matic Stash (Unofficial) Update - Write inventory to file. Bulk scrap weapon/armor. Mass transfer to/from containers. Filter area looting. Mass sell to NPC vendors. Easy assign to freezer/fermenter/... AND MORE
Invent O Matic Pipboy (Unofficial) Update - Switch armor sets, Use all your buffs, Drop your excess junk - all with a single key press
Instant Expedition Rewards - Displays all quests and rewards at once, not one by one
Via mod manager
- Download and extract ba2 file to Fallout 76 Data folder (e.g. "\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data\")
- Add following lines to your Project76Custom.ini or Fallout76Custom.ini ("C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\"):
Not compatible with other mods that modify interface/dailyopshud.swf