About this mod
Simple customizable widget to show all players and their vendor data (optional) on current server
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
Improved Pipboy Stats - Separate Perks Tab - Added PERKS tab and moved perks from effects tab, showing curve tables and current bonuses.
VendingHistory - VendorLog integration - Persistent sale history by integrating Vendor Log output to Vending History interface. Search functionality. Localization support.
Skip Scrap Confirm - Simple UI change to skip scrap confirmation menus (both optional). Extended Components view, no scrolling. Auto confirm Repair kit.
Improved Social Menu - Fixes friend selection switching when trying to join world. Removes teams popup and team creation delay. Adds friends count and Character name.
Custom Radios (Stations) - Make your own song playlists without issues like hosts talking, songs cutting short, or silent parts... Includes Diamond City Radio and Appalachia no ads
HUD Challenges and Events - Simple customizable widget to show challenges and currently active events/caravans on HUD
BuffsMeter - Active Effects on HUD - Simple customizable widget to show active effects / buffs on HUD
Improved Workbench, Crafting, Examine, Inspect Menu - Improved Quantity Menu Input. Set Default Quantity Value. Quick Repair Button in Workbench. Show Durability and Condition. Examine Menu Repair Kit.
Invent O Matic Stash (Unofficial) Update - Write inventory to file. Bulk scrap weapon/armor. Mass transfer. Filter area loot. Mass buy/sell to vendors. Auto assign to freezer/camp objects. Item Protection... AND MUCH MORE
Invent O Matic Pipboy (Unofficial) Update - Switch armor sets - Use your buffs - Drop your excess junk - all with a single key press. Drop item protection.
Instant Expedition Rewards - Displays all quests and rewards at once, not one by one
Instant Daily Op Rewards - Displays all rewards at once, not one by one
Known issues with mod managers:
Mods not working at all (even with no other mods loaded) - repacked (or bundled) with wrong settings
Mods not applying config changes - old config file cached
If you still insist on installing with mod manager, this step is also required:
Follow one of the Options in step 3 of manual installation
- Download and extract ba2 and config files to Fallout 76 Data folder (e.g. "\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data\")
- Add HUDPlayerList.ba2 to your load order (sResourceIndexFileList) in Project76Custom.ini or Fallout76Custom.ini ("C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\"):
sResourceIndexFileList=other mods here, HUDPlayerList.ba2 - [Option 1] If using TextChat mod:
- Make sure HUDPlayerList.ba2 is loaded before ChatMod.ba2 in sResourceIndexFileList (ChatMod last):
sResourceIndexFileList=HUDPlayerList.ba2, ChatMod.ba2 - Add HUDPlayerList to hudModList in Data\configuration\chatmod.ini (NOT IN hudmodlist.json, THAT FILE IS OBSOLETE):
[hudModListSettings] hudModList=PLMHudMenu, FFHudMenu, ImprovedHealthBars, CustomCrosshair, CompatibleShowHealthRedux, HUDEditor, VendorLog, StatsMeter, BuffsMeter, HUDPlayerList, HUDChallenges
- Make sure HUDPlayerList.ba2 is loaded before ChatMod.ba2 in sResourceIndexFileList (ChatMod last):
- [Option 2] If using Improved Social Menu v1.0.4+ and want to load mod in Overlay layer: (Update 1.1.4)
- Add HUDPlayerList to "hudModLoader" list in ImprovedSocialMenuConfig.json, example: "hudModLoader": ["BuffsMeter", "HUDPlayerList"]
- Disable HUDPlayerList from being loaded 2nd time in hudmodloader.ini, change line HUDPlayerList to ;HUDPlayerList (semi-colon to disable)
- [Option 3] If not using TextChat but using other HUD mods that use hudmodloader.ini (like BuffsMeter, StatsMeter, DPS Meter, VendorLog):
- Make sure HUDPlayerList.ba2 is loaded LAST in sResourceIndexFileList
- Make sure HUDPlayerList is listed in Data\hudmodloader.ini in new line
Updating / Upgrading
Extract only .ba2 file to Fallout 76/Data folder.
Config file is backwards compatible and does not need new version - new features can be manually edited in.
You can search description (CTRL + F in web browser) by update number and see which new parameters were added.
To check validity of config file after change, you can use sites like https://codebeautify.org/json5-validator
Player data is fetched from map data and public teams data so if player without team or in private team is in stealth or in an expedition area, it will not show them on the list.
Compatible with TextChat and should be compatible with any other HUD mod - see Instalation.
Tested working with: Text Chat, BuffsMeter, Perk Loadout Manager, Stats Meter, Vendor Log, HudEditor, Improved Health Bars (see image)
Should be compatible with all other non-HUD mods
Config file is HUDPlayerList.json in Fallout76\Data directory.
For editing config I recommend using Notepad++ which has implemented validation: select Language > JSON5
Otherwise any text editor will work, to check validity of config file after change, you can use websites like https://codebeautify.org/json5-validator
Comments are supported only in json5 so use specifically JSON5 validation, otherwise it will show as errors found in file.
Config file will be read every 10 seconds, if any changes are made to it they will be applied - no need to restart the game.
Listed below are all options for customization; Widget Settings and Player Display Settings.
Overlay Mod Loader Settings (Update 1.1.4)
This section is only when mod is loaded in Overlay game layer, by Improved Social Menu v1.0.4+.
Mods loaded in this layer will not be reloaded on raid stage completion, primarily made for BuffsMeter.
toggleVisibilityHotkey - Hotkey to hide widget if shown, or show widget if hidden. Consider it as switching "HUDModesState" value without editing config. Value will not be saved in config. Social Menu (CTRL + TAB) must be open for this key to register.
List of hotkey values can be found here: https://www.cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes
Widget Settings
x - horizontal position of widget (default: 0 = left side of screen)
y - vertical position of widget (default: 0 = top of screen)
anchor : top/bottom - widget alignment in regards to y value; if anchor is "bottom" y will be the bottom coordinate of widget (default: top) (Update 1.0.8)
ySpacing - vertical spacing between player names; negative value means more compact (default: 0)
width - width of widget (default: 250)
textSize - font size (default: 18)
textFont - text font, there's a list of working fonts in config file (default: "$ChowderHead")
textAlign : left/center/right - text alignment (default: "left")
textColor - text color, either numerical value or hex value in quotation marks (default: "0xffffff")
textShadow : true/false - show text shadow, easier to see text if background is disabled (default: true) (Update 1.0.8)
background : true/false - show background (default: "true")
backgroundColor - either numerical value or hex value in quotation marks (default: "0x222222")
alpha - transparency of whole widget (text and background); 0.0 < value < 1.0 = semi-transparent, 1.0 = opaque (default: 1.0)
backgroundAlpha - background transparency; 0 = load default, 0.0 < value < 1.0 = semi-transparent, 1.0 = opaque (default: 0.5)
NOTE: HUD Opacity in settings can be changed so value of "alpha" can go over 1.0 (does not apply for "backgroundAlpha")
blendMode - background blend mode (default: "normal")
textBlendMode - text blend mode (default: "normal")
Blend modes: https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/BlendMode.html
disableRealTimeEdit : true/false - disable automatic changes from config file that are done every 10 seconds (default: false) (Update 1.0.8)
Player Display Settings
refresh - time in milliseconds between data reloads/redraws (default: 1000)
format - format in which player data will be shown (default: "[{level}] {name} {bounty}")
Format accepts {name}, {level}, {type} and "formats" strings:
{bounty}, {isFriend}, {isTextChatUser}, {isHidden}, {PlayerLocal},
{PlayerRemote}, {MostWanted} {TeamLeader}, {TeamMember}
{bounty} accepts {caps} string
Another example from images: "{level} \t{name} {bounty}"
formats - custom formats to be used in "format" field, e.g. "bounty": "({caps}c)", "isHidden": "-.-"
PlayerLocal format accepts {characterName} string (Update 1.1.6)
vendorData - section for customizing appearance of vending data in widget (Update 1.1.5)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable this feature
hideVisitedCamps : true/false - hide vendorData for visited camps. Camp is tagged as "visited" when you open map menu is proximity of camp (Update 1.1.6)
If set to false, you can change visited camps' display color by changing "visitedCamp" property in "customColors" field
Note: If you have this mod loaded in overlay layer (see installation) visited camps data will persist even when hopping servers. Otherwise completing raid stages will erase this data.
usePlayerColor : true/false - (true) use same color for vendor data as player colors (friend, teammate, bounty...), or (false) use "vendorData" color from "customColors" field
format - format in which vendor data will be shown, accepts list of strings where each string represents separate line on widget
Even though example format in config file is split into 3 lines and contains all "formats" strings, it is not required. You can list only categories you are interested in, in a single line, for example:
"format": ["{APPAREL}{ARMOR3}{WEAPON3}{MODS}"],
formats - custom formats to be used in "format" field
{value} which is amount of items in each category
If you are using "$MAIN_Font" or "$MAIN_Font_Bold" font you can use ¬ symbol which represents legendary star.
Now also accepts these strings: (Update 1.1.6)
{distance} - distance from your last saved position to player vendor - Your position saves the moment you open map.
{direction} - localized world direction to the camp, 16-point (22.5° precision), ... /NW/NNW/North/NNE/NE/ENE/East/ ...
{angle} - angle to camps used in Cartesian coordinate system: East is 0°, North 90°, West 180°, South 270°
{angleCompass} - angle to camps as displayed on compasses: North is 0°, East 90°, South 180°, West 270°
sortBy - player sort mode: "default", "custom" or "property" (default: "default")
default: doesn't use sortOrder, lists latest players on bottom
custom: list players or types which will be shown on top
example sortOrder: ["MostWanted", "PlayerLocal", "TeamLeader", "TeamMember", "PlayerRemote"]
property: list property name(s) to sort by: name, level, type, bounty
example sortOrder: ["level, "name"]
sortOrder - list to use with sortBy modes "custom" or "property"
reverseSort - switch between ascending and descending sort
displayData - data to show in widget, each option can be listed multiple times. Data will be shown in order in which it is listed (top to botton)
"showVersion", "showHUDMode", "showElapsedTime", "showLastConfigUpdate", "showPlayerCount",
"showRenderTime" (Update 1.0.8)
"emptyspace:height" - e.g.: "emptyspace:5" empty space 5 pixels high (Update 1.0.2)
examples: "emptyspace:5", "emptyspace:-5"
"separator:height:color" - color can also be specified as any customColors value (Update 1.0.2)
examples: "separator:1:0xffffff", "separator:3:isFriend"
"text:color:textToDisplay" - color can also be specified as any customColors value, use /: to display colon (Update 1.0.4)
examples: "text:0xffffff:My custom text", "text:MostWanted:Bounty list"
"group:groupName" (Update 1.0.4)
group names: "PlayerLocal", "MostWanted", "isFriend", "isHidden", "TeamLeader", "TeamMember", "PlayerRemote"
examples: "group:MostWanted", "group:isFriend"
use "group:All" to display all non-grouped players
customColors - list of custom colors to use for specified data, e.g. "isServerFull": "0xff3333"
additionalData fields: "showVersion", "showHUDMode", "showElapsedTime", "showLastConfigUpdate", "showPlayerCount", "isServerFull"...
Player data: "isFriend", "isTextChatUser"
Player types: "PlayerLocal", "PlayerRemote", "MostWanted", "TeamLeader", "TeamMember"
"isHidden" - players that are part of public team but are not shown on map - they are in stealth or in an expedition area (Update 1.0.3)
- Any other string that can then be used for separator or text display options
Priority for applying color: Wanted > Friend > TextChat user > Type of player (local, remote, leader, member) / isHidden
Update 1.1.5: "vendorData" - used if set "usePlayerColor": false in vendorData
Update 1.1.6: "visitedCamp" - used if set "hideVisitedCamps": false in vendorData, has priority over vendorData and usePlayerColor colors
hideTypes - list of player marker types to hide (players) from widget
Options: "PlayerLocal", "PlayerRemote", "MostWanted", "TeamLeader", "TeamMember"
hidePlayers - list of player names to hide from widget
NOTE: Not to be confused with isHidden player type - those are players whose marker on map is hidden (stealth or expedition area)
HUDModesState - "hidden" or "shown" - hide or show widget in HUDModes listed below, (default: hidden)
HUDModes - list of HUD Modes for HUDModesState
Options: "ActivateTypeMode", "All", "AutoVanity", "CampPlacement", "ContainerMode", "CrosshairAndActivateOnly",
"DeathRespawnMode", "DefaultScopeMenu", "DialogueMode", "EndOfMatch", "FurnitureEnterExit", "InsideMemory",
"InspectMode", "IronSights", "LegendaryPerksMode", "LockpickingMode", "MapMenu", "MessageMode", "MovementDisabled",
"NoHud", "PauseMode", "PerksMode", "Pipboy", "PowerArmor", "RadialMenu", "ScopeMenu", "SelfieMode", "SitWaitMode",
"SpectatorMode", "TerminalMode", "VATS", "VATSPlayback", "VertibirdMode", "WorkshopMode" */
"All" is default HUD mode (non-power armor), not all of them
Example of config file (HUDPlayerList.json):
"x": 1715,
"y": 360,
"ySpacing": -5,
"width": 200,
"textSize": 18,
"textFont": "$ChowderHead",
"textAlign": "right",
"textColor": "0xffffff",
"background": true,
"backgroundColor": "0x222222",
"alpha": 1.0,
"backgroundAlpha": 0.5,
"blendMode": "normal",
"textBlendMode": "normal",
"refresh": 1000,
"format": "{isHidden}{isFriend}{isTextChatUser} {name} {bounty}[{level}]",
"formats": {
"bounty": "({caps}c)",
"isHidden": "-.-",
"isFriend": "{F}",
"isTextChatUser": "{+}"
"sortBy": "property",
"sortOrder": [
"reverseSort": false,
"displayData": [
"text:isFriend:{F} Friends/:",
//"text:isTextChatUser:{+} Text chat users",
// MORE DATA CAN GO HERE BELOW PLAYER LIST (don't forget commas)
"showVersion": "0xff2222",
"showHUDMode": "0xffffff",
"showElapsedTime": "0xffaacc",
"showLastConfigUpdate": "0x77eeff",
"showPlayerCount": "0x77ff77",
"isServerFull": "0xff3333",
"isFriend": "0x33ff33",
"isTextChatUser": "0x2299cc",
"isHidden": "0xaaaaff", // Player in expedition or stealth (while in public team)
"MostWanted": "0xff0000", // Wanted players
"PlayerLocal": "0xff33cc", // Your name color
"TeamLeader": "0xffbb00",
"TeamMember": "0xffff00"
"hideTypes": [
"hidePlayers": [
"player name 1",
"player name 2"
"HUDModesState": "hidden", /* Options: hidden, shown */
"HUDModes": [