- Refine results Found 49 results. 2309 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Power Armor Fast Exit and Enter (F76)
Small animation swap to always use the "fast exit" power armor exit animation (it's A LOT faster).
- 46KB
- 1.5k
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Power Armor Fast Exit and Enter (F76)
Small animation swap to always use the "fast exit" power armor exit animation (it's A LOT faster).
One of the most downloaded mods from Fallout 4 is now in Fo76. It lowers your weapon when you are not firing or aiming, increasing immersion.
- 6.4MB
- 1.5k
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One of the most downloaded mods from Fallout 4 is now in Fo76. It lowers your weapon when you are not firing or aiming, increasing immersion.
Disables shakey camera when explosions happen and stuff.
Reasonable Scorchbeast Scream Effects
Replaces the VFX on the Scorchbeast's scream attack with something less blinding.
- 21KB
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Reasonable Scorchbeast Scream Effects
Replaces the VFX on the Scorchbeast's scream attack with something less blinding.
Mod removes heavy stun animation
This mod changes the legendary effects glow to the red alien ship beam.
Fading Markers - Bobbleheads Magazines Plans NukaColas Sugarbombs Cap Stashes
Omni-visible markers for all sorts of consumables, now completely disappearing after few minutes for less distraction!
- 31KB
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Fading Markers - Bobbleheads Magazines Plans NukaColas Sugarbombs Cap Stashes
Omni-visible markers for all sorts of consumables, now completely disappearing after few minutes for less distraction!
No more waiting for spin up ...
This mod makes stimpack usage faster
This mod completely removes the first and third person animations for using a Stimpak.
Why are so many objects in the game completely static and unmoving? More Animations adds animations to objects that are lacking some immersive extra movement.
- 1.3MB
- 159
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Why are so many objects in the game completely static and unmoving? More Animations adds animations to objects that are lacking some immersive extra movement.
Uses the unarmed sprinting animation for when the player is sprinting with their weapon holstered.
- 10KB
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Uses the unarmed sprinting animation for when the player is sprinting with their weapon holstered.
Quick Draw 76 - Faster Draw Animations
Tired of flicking the switch on the laser rifle, spinning the chamber on the .44, pulling the slide on the 10mm? Well don't! Not with this mod! Now for Fallout 76!
- 572KB
- 148
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Quick Draw 76 - Faster Draw Animations
Tired of flicking the switch on the laser rifle, spinning the chamber on the .44, pulling the slide on the 10mm? Well don't! Not with this mod! Now for Fallout 76!
Makes putting fusion cores into power armor instant.
At contrary to trees and grasses which are animated, vanilla lootable floras are plain static...Get your hands on this mod, and you'll have also animated floras with foliages moving in the wind.The "Floranim" mod also fixes some floras models not being updated when looted and add lights and particles effects to irradiated floras.
- 1.0GB
- 121
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At contrary to trees and grasses which are animated, vanilla lootable floras are plain static...Get your hands on this mod, and you'll have also animated floras with foliages moving in the wind.The "Floranim" mod also fixes some floras models not being updated when looted and add lights and particles effects to irradiated floras.
Removes the fall animation stutter.
Increases ballistic weapon bullet tracer speed.Offers customization options for tracer color, speed, and size or remove tracers entirely.
- 17KB
- 75
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Increases ballistic weapon bullet tracer speed.Offers customization options for tracer color, speed, and size or remove tracers entirely.
Fast Pip Boy Pull Up Put Down Animation
Makes regular pipboy faster to pull up like the quickboy UI.
- 1KB
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Fast Pip Boy Pull Up Put Down Animation
Makes regular pipboy faster to pull up like the quickboy UI.
Draw animations removed.
Female Run and Sprint Animation Replacer
This mod replaces the female run and sprint animations with the male versions, as i believe they look much better on both genders.
- 810KB
- 59
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Female Run and Sprint Animation Replacer
This mod replaces the female run and sprint animations with the male versions, as i believe they look much better on both genders.