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About this mod

The original shotgun realism mod!! Balances damage and accuracy of all weapons. Shotguns are actually useable weapons now. Range, damage, recoil and accuracy modified for all guns. Updated crafting system to provide more of a challenge without going overboard. Better sights, More attachments.

Permissions and credits
Please re-download 1.4a, there was a texture problem that screwed up the reflex sight... all fixed!

Now merged with Legit Crafting!!

If you like the weapons in this mod, but want HUD changes as well check out Legit Far Cry, or Swartz mod, or 30dayS.

Ever noticed that vanilla shotguns have a spread of 5' at 10m?

In vanilla FC3 and most available mods I've tested, shotguns are ridiculous in their function. 7 projectiles leave the barrel and head off in opposite directions. Each projectile does the equivalent damage of an Ak47 round, and if you're lucky it'll take out 3 bad dudes at once... trouble is, none of them are likely to be the one right in front of you.

This mod fixes that by making shotgun spread more realistic and concentrated, while reducing the damage per projectile to a more realistic level.

Detailed Info


All weapons have been re-worked by my mod Legit Guns to be more believable, more realistic, but maintain a balance between FUN and absolute realism.

Base accuracy, recoil, damage, range, and damage reduction over distance are more realistic. Every gun has been evaluated by comparison to real world values, changed, and then play tested to keep things fun.

Shotguns are now fun to use and more realistic.

Better sights

More attachments available.

Headshots are more likely to result in one shot kills. Limb hits do less damage and are/is variable depending on weapon type.

FAMAS is now full auto, STG90 has been change to 3 round burst.

No auto reload, no reload reminders... pay attention.

NPC weapon damage increased in some cases, but not to the same level as the player in higher powered weapons... you are not likely to get killed in a single shot by NPCs.

NPCs may engage you at slightly longer ranges, but not from extreme distance.

AI snipers have no lasers... yeah what the hell were the developers thinking?


All gear require more skins to create. Small packs, holsters, etc. will require several skins of at least two types, large packs, holsters, etc. will require unique skins as well as several others. Crafting gear requires green leaves to make tannin, to tan the hides.

Healing syringes require two leaves.

Implemented Crocodile leather, and Thylacine hide into the crafting system. These are no longer quick sellable and are flagged as crafting items.


Radio towers do not unlock weapons.

All non-signature weapons are available from the start.

Weapons are more costly, especially second island weapons.

Weapon wiki in the store will show an accurate representation of the modded weapon stats.

This mod has been merged with Khenaz better sights and Leechmongers attachments.

Requires patch 1.04

Change Log

Price changes for balance, updated Hunter handgun recoil, removed thylacine from crafting recipes because it is a DLC item (predator pack) and not available to all users.


Small update to fix crafting lib problem where medium ammo pouch was uncraftable.


Major overhaul of shopping library. Weapon characteristics shown in the market should be fairly accurate.

Changed limb damage modifiers. Light pistols, shotguns, and SMGs do 50% damage to limbs, heavy pistols and assault rifles do 60%, snipers do 70%.

Slightly increased range of better shotguns.

Adjusted explosive damage of AMR down significantly. HE .50 rounds aren't explosive like grenades, the HE component softens hard targets for better penetration. The explosive may not even trigger on soft targets IRL.

Minor tweaking of ranges, damages, and the range/damage gradient of most guns.

Changed a few prices, I didn't notice a few items were free due to missing code.

Removed an old mod that had no business ending up in this pack... these things are hard to keep organized LOL. (Privateer suit from beginning mod)

Added AI snipers have no lasers, cause you couldn't see them even if they had em' (thanks jketiynu)


Updated range gradient for all guns. Damage change over distance is more consistent and realistic.

Improved balanced of R700 and SVD rifles including damage changes, recoil, and pricing.

Changed the FAMAS to Full Auto fire, as it should be... and in return, changed the STG90 to 3 round burst (which is more legit).