-Number of enemies incremented (you can go some levels like airport to test)
-Welcome to Neverland V2
Update 1.02
-the 1911 cost 120 fixed to 60 Dollars, that way you can start the game.
Update 1.01
-AI sniper no laser
Hi, I like the game the way it is, so, i didnt make specials changes, only a few, to make it more fun and challenging, not realistic.
The purpose of this mod is make the fights last longer, because take outpost is very easy, quickly, and the game turn unsatisfactory and buring after ending, making changes in weapons properties (Recoil x 3, Spread x 2, Damage x 1/3, Cost x 2).
I tried to make it more like RPG game, going anywhere, weapons and stuff are expensive to have. Weapon Items are balanced, that way you cant buy all items to each weapons, for example, some weapons are assaults and others stealth.
-All weapons unlocked from game start, including signature weapons.
-Removed auto-reload for all guns.
-Removed free weapon unlocks from radio towers.
-Removed mission requirements for all skills.
-Removed minimap.
-Better sights mod.
-Increased spawn rates for all NPCs, animals and encounter events.
-Unlocked Hoyt's island from game start.
-Faster animation for looting enemies.
-All syringe recipes unlocked from game start, except special syringes.
-All gear upgrade crafting recipes rebalanced to make it more challenging and add more variety.
Jketiynu: AI snipers no laser
khenaz: Better Sights mod
Dziggy: All syringe recipes unlocked, gear upgrade crafting recipes rebalanced.
inakrin: spawn ratio and encounters
Chorizosss: Welcome to neverland v2
karolt1: update 1.02
Predaaator: Compiler and general mods.