About this mod
This mod changes the item you will obtain from the next dig spot. It effectively allows you to use dig spots to obtain any item in the game (with some special cases)!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This mod allows you to **choose the item** that will be obtained from the next **dig spot**! Choose an item by pressing F11 and inputting the "internal item name" for the desired item. You can look up every item's "internal" ID and name from the table on my GitHub here:
Important Notes
- Since this mod uses YYTK to change some of the game's code, it will only work on the Windows version of the game.
- Press F11 to open the window where you input an internal item name. Then, go find a dig spot!
- The mod will only change the next dig spot after you specify an item. If you want another item, press F11 again and repeat the process! This was done to allow you to continue digging up unmodified dig spots during normal gameplay.
The Mods of Mistria Installer (MOMI) is required for installation.
Back up your save game before trying this mod for the first time!
- Create a folder named mods where the game (FieldsOfMistria.exe) is located. If you're using Steam, you can easily locate that by right-clicking the game in your Library and going to Installed Files > Browse in the modal window. The game's directory path will look similar to what's below:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fields of Mistria
- Download the DigUpAnything.zip file and save it inside the mods folder you created.
- Extract the zip file in this directory. There should now be a folder called DigUpAnything inside the mods folder.
- Delete (or move) the original zip file. Leave the unzipped folder alone.
- Run MOMI and install the mod!
Run the game via Steam, or the the game executable (FieldsOfMistria.exe) directly. This mod requires no further configuration.
Follow the standard uninstallation procedures specified by MOMI.
Source Code
Demo Video
Shout Outs
- Archie (@archie_uwu): For making Aurie + YYTK and teaching me how to use it.
- Garethp (@garethp): For MOMI.