About this mod
forageable seeds, out of season seeds, or both - sold in the general store !!!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
you have three options that all add certain seeds to the general store (they are NOT compatible, please just download and use one or your game will crash when you open the store because >25 items have been added in one category.)
a. forageable crop seeds -
the farming perk 'prepared picker' occasionally makes harvested forageables drop their seeds. it's pretty rare that they do drop, but what if you want a massive field full of irises or want a ton of basil to keep valen well-gifted with soup...
this version of the mod helps you with that. some of them, like daisy seeds, are already sold in the general store, i've just added the missing ones to the already existing seeds category. this version only sells seeds that are in season !
b. seasonal crop seeds -
this adds 3 more pages to the general store, that essentially swap their contents out every season so that in addition to the default seasonal seed page, you! can buy seeds from the other 3 seasons too (not including the forageable seeds from the version above)
yes i'm aware this is the silliest possible way of doing this but since wholesale replacing the categories touches a lot more irrelevant stuff that makes it more incompatible, the alternative was to have a redundant extra page with the current season's seeds in it, and i didn't want to do that either. this way, the shop opens on the seeds of the current season, and then you can move through the seeds of the seasons in order, which i REALLY like. also i liked making it so lol.
mainly intended for use with my mod that allows all crops to grow in all seasons, cross-season crops (https://www.nexusmods.com/fieldsofmistria/mods/64)
also i am not sure why you would ever use this particular version of the mod without the forageable seeds instead of the one below but since i'm
already embracing being so inefficient writing these i thought why why not make it...
c. seasonal+forageable crop seeds -
combines the above two mods so that in all seasons, you can buy all seeds. ALL seeds. any time you want <3
btw, the forageable crops whose seeds i've added are:
- chickpeas
- lilacs
- snowdrop anemone
- basil
- dill
- iris
- marigold
- night queen
- oregano
- sage
- thyme
- heather
- garlic
- moon fruit
- rosemary
- viola
- snapdragon
- burdock root
- jasmine
how to install:
- download MOMI, following the instructions from here: https://github.com/Garethp/Mods-of-Mistria-Installer
- choose whichever version of this mod and download only that !! again, if you download more than one you'll crash your game.
- unzip & place the contents of the .zip file in the 'mods' or 'mistria-mods' folder you just created
- make sure to run MOMI after the mod has been extracted into the mods
folder, otherwise MOMI won't integrate the changes into __fiddle__.json
enjoy :))))