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About this mod

The Planetary Age is a lore-friendly overhaul inspired by classic and modern Final Fantasy games which introduces jobs that fit familiar FF themes like Blue Mage, Bard, Ninja, and Warrior. TPA also completely revamps all aspects of character progression, including gear, treasure, shops, and much more!

Permissions and credits
Explore 12 all-new license boards inspired by classic and modern Final Fantasy jobs!

Learn spells from enemies as a Loremaster and use unique tools as a Ninja

Wandering blademasters who learn the esoteric abilities of their foes
Loremaster is TPA's Blue Mage job; it learns spells by observing enemies who use similar actions. No need to eat them, though (sorry, Quina).
Gear: Ranger Helms, Heavy Armor & Shields, Katana, Scimitars
Unique Magicks: Azure Lores (Master)

Furtive rogues trained in the use of special ninjutsu tools
The Ninja is somewhere between FFXI's Ninja, a classic Thief, and FFTA's Elementalist, featuring a bevy of tactical tools for all situations.
Gear: Ranger Helms, Medium Armor, Ninjatou, Throwing Knives
Unique Items: Ninja Tools (Master)

Craft salves and toxins as an Alchemist and embolden your magicks as a Sage

Learned physicians who study the true nature of matter and the soul
Alchemist is inspired by the selfsame job from FFX-2. It crafts items on the fly without expending inventory.
Gear: Striker Helms, Medium Armor, Guns, Chemistry
Unique Technicks: Alchemy (Master)    Magicks: Time (Scant), Green (Scant)

Enlightened scholars who wield a wide variety of magicks with ease
Sage is Red Mage or Sage from FFTA or Seer from TA2; it gets heals and a wide array of attack magicks, and its maces absorb MP!
Gear: Magus Helms, Medium Armor, Maces
Magicks: White (Limited), Black (Limited), Time (Limited), Green (Limited)

Speak the Green Word as a Druid and call down elemental fury as a Wizard

Keepers of forest and fen who weave nature magicks to maim and meddle
Druid is somewhere between the Green Mage and Bishop jobs from FFTA and TA2, inflicting debuffs and attacking with Earth, Water, and Wind.
Gear: Ranger Helms, Mystic Armor, Bows
Magicks: Green (Master), White (Limited), Time (Limited)

Nonpareil prodigies of elemental magickal destruction
Wizard is Black Mage or Magus, specializing in the elements Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Dark, and dabbling in a couple others.
Gear: Magus Helms, Mystic Armor, Staves
Magicks: Black (Master), Time (Limited), Green (Limited)

Defend against the hordes as a Paladin and rend your foes asunder as a Warrior

Stalwart defenders who commune with the divine to protect the meek
Paladin is also pretty classic and specializes in keeping enemy attention on itself to shield the party.
Gear: Devout Helms, Heavy Armor & Shields, Swords, Hammers
Unique Technicks: Flash, Orison    Magicks: White (Limited)

Front-line juggernauts who bring to bear devastating martial might
The Warrior combines abilities from several FF jobs, namely Warrior, Monk, Lancer, and soon, Geomancer.
Gear: Striker Helms, Heavy Armor & Shields, Spears, Axes
Unique Technicks: Battle Cry, Berserk, Aurablast*, Provoke, Achilles
*Aurablast is a placeholder for a Geomancy action, to be released in a future patch

Sacrifice yourself for victory as a Dark Knight and command time and space as an Astrologian

Dark Knight
Practitioners of forbidden diablerie for whom blood is power
The Dark Knight is about as classic Dark Knight as it gets. Gafgarion would be proud.
Gear: Magus Helms, Heavy Armor & Shields, Fellblades, Greatswords
Unique Technicks: Darkness, Slake    Magicks: Black (Limited)

Battlefield diviners who let the starry firmament guide their aim
Astrologian focuses on non-elemental spells, debuffs, control, and Time Magick.
Gear: Striker Helms, Mystic Armor, Crossbows, Measures
Magicks: Time (Master), Black (Limited), Green (Limited)

Weave subtle sorceries as a Bard and sow succor and salvation as a Priest

Crafty minstrels who turn the battle's tide with mystical melodies
Bard is a mix of Bard and Dancer from FFT, FFTA, and TA2. It debuffs enemies and bolsters allies in a wide area and dances... Wiznaibus!
Gear: Devout Helms, Medium Armor, Spellblades, Poles
Unique Technicks: Songs (Master)    Magicks: White (Limited), Black (Scant)

Pious and merciful acolytes who salve wounds and smite the wicked
The Priest is White Mage or Devout, specializing in Cures and buffs with a little Wind and Holy offense thrown in as well.
Gear: Devout Helms, Mystic Armor, Rods
Magicks: White (Master), Time (Limited), Green (Limited)

Rediscover a Whole New Ivalice

  • Rebalanced across five categories: White, Black, Time, Green, and Azure.
  • In most cases, if there were both a single target version and an area-of-effect version of a status spell in vanilla, those versions have been combined into a single spell in TPA.
  • White Magicks restore in new and wondrous ways. Several ailment removal spells have been consolidated, some spells restore HP and remove statuses at the same time, while some spells can both revive fallen party members and/or restore HP to the living.
  • Black Magicks now include many of the spells from vanilla's Arcane category, including spells that drain HP and MP, and those that deal Dark damage. Black Magick is and will remain the king of destructive spellcasting.
  • Time Magicks have been streamlined to make way for several new, tactical spells. The core concept of Time Magick is to control: Hasten allies and Slow foes of course, but also balance HP levels, prevent enemy healing, and Reflect and copy the effects of other Magicks.
  • Green Magicks include both direct damage spells as well as many status effects, which are predominantly ailments. Green Magick now also includes attack Magicks that deal Earth, Water, and Wind damage, as well as all the physical and mental debilitations you'd expect.
  • Azure Lores are esoteric Magicks gleaned from enemies in the heat of battle. They are united only by their method of acquisition, and their uses are broad and varied. And unlike most other Magicks, they do not depend on the caster's Magick stat.

  • Many were scrapped.
  • Those that remain are broken into three categories: Exclusive, Shared, and Alchemy.
  • Exclusive Technicks are those that are learned only by a single job. Bard and Warrior get the largest kits of these unique abilities, while Paladin and Dark Knight get a couple. In all cases, these Technicks provide unique flavor to each job.
  • Shared Technicks are accessible by several jobs who do not have access to much, if any Magick, and they will be familiar to anyone who played vanilla; they let you Steal items, apply First Aid, and use Telekinesis on your melee weapons, for example.
  • Alchemy is a set of Technicks exclusive to the Alchemist job which allow the production of one-time-use consumables for free in battle. Similar to Azure Lores, these Technicks cannot be purchased by regular means, and must instead be found through exploration.

License Boards
  • License boards have been completely revamped.
  • All boards share the same general shape, with job-specific weapons, armor, actions, and augments appearing in corollary positions across the twelve boards.
  • Each Esper can be obtained by each character; you no longer have to pick and choose to whom to assign each Esper.
  • Character growth via the boards is gated behind story progress by way of Espers. Those Espers that your party acquires during the course of the main story grant access to larger portions of the license board, while optional Espers grant access to smaller "islands" on each board.

  • Gear has been completely revamped.
  • Head-slot armor has been separated from Body-slot armor.
  • Each job has a unique combination of Head and Body armors.
  • Accessories are completely insane. We invite you to break the game as much or as little as you wish via Accessories.

  • Obviously, to accompany all the other changes, shops have been changed drastically.
  • The shops in the five major cities (Rabanastre, Nalbina, Bhujerba, Archades, and Balfonheim) have been synchronized. E.g. when a new item becomes available from Portentous Provisions in Nalbina, the same item will become available at Migelo's Sundries, the Street Vendor in Bhujerba, etc.
  • Traveling merchants (like Dyce) and regional traders (like the Garif Trader at Jahara) have inventories specific to the point at which you encounter them.

  • The bazaar has been completely revamped.
  • You can no longer mess up your Loot sales, as no two Bazaar recipes require any shared Loot. Sell with impunity.
  • Exceptions to the above are: Teleport Stone, Gysahl Greens, Cactus Flower, Semclam Shells, Phials of Nebralim, Valeblossom Dew, and Great Serpentskin.

  • Would it surprise you if we said "it's been completely revamped"?
  • Similar to the Bazaar, you can't fug it up. Open those chests.

  • Download, install, and open Vortex Mod Manager.
  • Open Vortex, select Games from the left side bar, search for Final Fantasy XII, and select Manage.
  • Download all prerequisites and install each with the Mod Manager Download button on each mod page.
  • Download The Planetary Age with the Mod Manager Download button.
  • Enable all mods in Vortex.
  • To resolve any file conflicts, load The Planetary Age last, after all other prerequisites.


Every drop of information about the mod is maintained in The Compendium.

For any questions or feedback, shout it out in The Sky Pirate's Den discord.