Would it be possible for you to make a version of "default color" Ashe that has white underwear? The dark brown undergarments she has as-is are kind of unappealing.
Can you please make an original color with white panties ?
Very high quality mod. Thanks!
Sidewinder, any chance you could update your mod/instructions to make it compatible with the DrakLab Mod Loader for TZA? The old instructions for VBF Browser are not as useful/intuitive for those who enjoy modding without all the technical aspects.
Any chance you can help me out? Iv got outfit mods for fran and penelo that work just fine but when I inject this one nothing changes. Its probably something im doing wrong. I am trying to use the white more thigh version if that helps.
Trying to download the original black recolor but all I'm getting from the download is a single 1,574 KB size file.
The archive you download is compressed. You need to extract it and then activate the mod using DrakLab mod loader.
I know RAR archives are a rare thing to see online (heh) but nearly any archival utility can extract them. I'd recommend getting 7-zip and extracting with that tool; they have a portable version as well.
any chance it's possible to remove the mid-section leather armor looking piece under her top but above her skirt? i'm guessing no since there probably isn't mesh under it or something, huh?
I downloaded the original outfit, white recolor mod, but it isn't a folder, and it doesn't show up on either vbf browser or draklab. I'm not sure how to proceed with injecting this mod since it isn't functioning the same as all the other mods i've done so far which were zip folders. any help?
EDIT: I opted to not select yes to whole folders, and injected the rar. I haven't started game yet, so it'll be a while before i see ashe in game to test if it worked or not, but if i don't have a response by then, I'll post an update about whether or not it was successful.
I'm so sorry. I got a new computer and forgot i didn't have 7zip yet..... solved lol. -
This mod doesn't load for me. Keeps saying "error".
Does this mod work with the Draklab loader? This and the Penelo dress were the only mods I wanted that I couldn't get Draklab to recognize.
Yes it will work fine with the mod loader. You just need to download the archive and extract it to a directory. Once extracted, place the 'gamedata' folder inside another folder. For example, make a new folder called 'Ashe Recolors' and put the gamedata folder inside that one. Now, when activating in the mod loader you select the 'Ashe Recolors' (top level) folder instead of the gamedata folder.
Detailed instructions here. -
You good Sir are a hero. Thank you!