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About this mod

Change the displayed weapon for any character to the one of your choice.

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Changes the displayed (travelling) weapon to any of the valid character weapons.  This does not actually give you or equip the weapon in combat, but just changes the visual effect when moving through the world or starting a battle.  This mod has more effect for Fang, Vanille and Sazh as their weapons are more visible during movement through the world.  Some clipping may occur with the non-default weapon.  An example of where this will happen is with Fang's Kain's Lance due to the larger an more numerous blades at the end.

This mod utilizes "Gameplay Tweaks" files for loading the new models.

To install, drop this mod into your Gameplay Tweaks and Hard Mode mod directory and run the batch file "Display Any Weapon.bat".  Select the character and weapon to display.