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About this mod

This mod (un)hides certain parts of NPCs' outfits

Permissions and credits
Certain parts of NPCs' outfits can be flipped as visible/hidden. This mod "flips" the switches for that.

To install more easily, download the Flagrum version of this mod:
Get Flagrum (Version 1.2+ required):
Join Exineris, the support/modding discord server:

UPDATE 24.08.2021
  • Normally wears her goggles round her neck. The mod hides that pair of goggles and makes another pair visible on her head instead.
  • Added another version which completely erases the goggles.

UPDATE 19.08.2021
  • Normally wears her helmet at all times except for camping, in snapshot photos, and some particular cutscenes. The mod makes the helmet invisible.
  • Updated "nh10_initialize.earc" now makes Aranea's helmet invisible also during the introductory cutsecene at Fort Vaullerey.
  • Added "nh10_initialize_training.earc" makes the helmet invisible during camp trainings.
  • Tested and it seems you can choose to install whichever file you want or both of them at the same time and they won't interfere with each other.

UPDATE 19.08.2021
  • Normally wears no wing and no hat; they're only visible in the Crystal cutscene and (during some attacks) in his dlc. The mod makes both visible for NPC Ardyn and final boss Ardyn in the main game. For some reason, only the wing shows up during the car ride though.
  • There are three options you can choose from - only hat, only wing, or both the hat and wing visible. Always choose only one.
  • Updated "nh05_initialize" will make the wing and/or hat visible for NPC Ardyn.
  • Added "nh05_000_last_boss_initialize" will make the wing and/or hat visible for final boss Ardyn.
  • The "nh05_initialize" for NPC Ardyn seems to work independently from the final boss file but the "nh05_000_last_boss_initialize" for final boss Ardyn seems to require the NPC Ardyn file to be installed too.
  • The game also seems to require consistency for Ardyn, meaning if you choose for example "only wing" for NPC Ardyn, combine it with "only wing" for final boss Ardyn. Don't mix "only wing" with "only hat" etc. At least in my game, Ardyn's hair would clip through the hat, or the mod wouldn't work at all, or Ardyn would become completely invisible.

INSTALLATION: Overwrite the original files in the respective folders. Back up your originals first.

A big thanks to zye and sai from discord for sharing their knowledge and resources.