News & Updates
Modders-Turned-Devs, We Want Your Stories!
It’s no secret that modding communities are the unsung heroes of the gaming community. Every time we turn around, there's another incredible story of modders shapi... Read full article
Mod or Not - The Game Awards 2024
Welcome back to Mod or Not! The article series where I predict the popularity of a modding scene in games revealed at major gaming events as either mod - meaning tha... Read full article
Blog Piece: We're getting an office, and we're hiring
Hello! long time, no...boring you with my long blog pieces.
We're about to post up a news article about us looking to hire two new web programmers. Unlike our previous hire-calls, however, this one is different because it comes with the caveat that the job is based in Exeter, in the south west of England. Why? Because we're setting up an office. Our first office.
Revealing such news comes as bitter-sweet to me. For the past 15 years Nexus Mods (and the names...- 54 Comments
This week we're back with some more staff and community picks. I am really pleased to see a submission for a game other than those from the Bethesda series with Minqmay picking one from Legend of Grimrock. SirSalami has this week turned his attention towards a really nice armour mod, Terrorfox1234 has chosen one to help with your sometimes incredibly stupid companions and I have gone back to my childhood and chosen a mod to put posters on the walls.
We love to hear the communiti...- 2 Comments
This week we turn entirely to the community to let us know some of their top picks for the games they are playing. We will be interspersing the Staff Picks every now and again to show some of these submissions, so please continue to get them into us using this new and handy form.
Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below).
Just remember that oth...- 18 Comments
A slightly smaller Staff Picks this week as we go without a guest submission. We have had plenty sent in, but they have only contained a very brief description (usually a sentence or two) about why the the user actually enjoy the mod and what it does. I will post these up in the next few weeks, though probably in a large group. If you are submitting a mod for this feature, please try and include some details as to what makes it special to you and what the mod actually does - a bit like we have b...
This week in the Staff Picks, SirSalami and Terrorfox1234 gain a psychic link and both choose a camera configuration mod that allows easier switching and modification of camera angle, I choose a mod that will allow me to spend far too much of my time looking at my Pip-Boy and our guest submission by gonzalo99 sees him warping around Cyrodiil.
We love to hear your selections, so if you have a mod you would like to submit to the community (not your own), please check out this new an...- 10 Comments
With Valentine's day only yesterday, we have all decided to give you something that we love.
SirSalami loves a good hug every now and again, I have a love of Cola (which I really need to try and break off at some point), Terrorfox1234 has found a mod to appease his love of music production and JimmyRJump / HeavyEavy just love the additional playtime that Fusion City Rising has given them. Okay, they are tenuous links at best, but you're not here to read this part of the sta...- 28 Comments
Staff Picks - 8th February 2017
This week, we have all gone back to playing two of the classic Bethesda games, Fallout 4 and Skyrim. SirSalami wants to be able to choose for himself what spells (if any) that he starts his playthrough of Skyrim with, TerrorFox1234 is doing a little bit of spring cleaning around his settlement and has challenged everyone to a 'Power Armor Display Off *', and I have been busy trying to make Diamond City that little bit more attractive and inviting.
We have two guest picks thi...- 10 Comments
The Sunday Discussion - The Skyblivion Team - Recreating Oblivion in the Skyrim Engine
It's truly a love affair when a team sets out to recreate one game, in its entirety, in another game engine. That's most certainly the case for a number of 'The Elder Scrolls Renewal' teams who are recreating Morrowind in the Skyrim engine under the name 'Skywind', and Oblivion in the Skyrim engine under the name 'Skyblivion'.
These teams want to make sure that newer players get to experience these classic Elder Scrolls games in all their glory with ...- 30 Comments
This week we have again taken a peek at the mods that are out there and (hopefully) come up with some real crackers for you to check out. TerrorFox1234 has found a great mod collection that is all wrapped up into one nicely bundled 'utility' mod, SirSalami has found some new ways to spend his time in New Vegas, and I have found a mod that was produced following the AMA session I had with Elianora.
We've had an anonymous submission that I checked out and really liked, th...- 14 Comments
Greetings everyone,
I’m Jim, and I was recently hired by Nexus Mods to head up community development and public relations. I just wanted to take a minute to talk about the community development side of things, what that actually means, and how you can help us. Specifically, I will be focusing on our social media platforms and how they play into community development.
What is community development?
I suppose, before diving in, it would make sense to explain what ...- 20 Comments
We’ve been discussing running a social media giveaway, and what better way to start than with a game developed by some of Nexus Mods’ own community members?
The game “Witanlore: Dreamtime”, by Druid Gameworks just entered Early Access on Steam. To help them celebrate this milestone, they’ve given us 20 copies of the game to give away!
Even if you aren’t familiar with Druid Gameworks, you may be familiar with some of their team members, such as Da...- 15 Comments
We have some fun ones for you this week, taking into account the comments that we received last week we've dug deep and struck some real gems. SirSalami has come across some toy soldiers, TerrorFox1234 is trying his best to blend in, and I've been smashing in doors and having a real blast.
We love to hear your selections, so if you have a mod you would like to submit to the community (not your own), please check out this new and handy form.
Just remember that...- 9 Comments
We're back again with some more staff picks, this week SirSalami dives headfirst into the world of Stardew Valley with a mod to make this awesome little adventure game 'hard'; TerrorFox1234 tries his hand at the mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl after my recommendation last week; and I get one of my favourite gameplay mechanics into one of my favourite games!
Our guest contributor this week is ZZZ02, their selection is a total overhaul mod for Oblivion, so be sur...- 23 Comments
This week there is quite a diverse range of Staff Picks. SirSalami has found a good option to multi-task within Skyrim; TerrorFox1234 has been looking at add-on mods for the new HUDFramework that was mentioned in a previous weeks pick, and I have gone back to a game (or version of) that I loved many years ago.
We love to hear your selections, so if you have a mod you would like to submit to the community (not your own), please check out this new and handy form. Please fill out the ...- 19 Comments
Firstly, a big "Happy New Year" to you all! We hope that you all enjoyed the festive period and are now relaxed, ready and rejuvenated to begin 2017 with some incredible mods.
Today we bring you a few mods that we have tried out over the Christmas break. I have been playing a mix of games, but returned once again to the wasteland in Fallout 4, SirSalami managed to nab himself a bargain with Mass Effect 2 and Terrorfox1234 has been annoying enemies in Skyrim and running ...- 13 Comments
It's coming to the end of the year and the festive season is upon us, so this will (probably) be the last staff pick until 2017. We have been pleased with the response from the community and the feedback we have received, so are looking forward to the new year and trying out more of the mods you guys are producing.
We love to hear your selections, so if you have a mod you would like to submit to the community (not your own), please check out this new and handy form.
Another week, another set of staff (and guest) picks to present you.
Before we begin the weeks' picks, I just want to clarify that the way we do this is very simple, each staff member chooses a mod of their choice, and then I compile them all and post them up. So when I saw that both Robin and I had picked a mod from the same author I thought it might be seen as favouritism or that we were colluding. Let me assure you; we're not. I guess you can chalk it down to 'grea...- 16 Comments
Advertising on Nexus Mods. The how, what and why, and what to do when it goes wrong.
As you all likely know, Nexus Mods makes use of advertising on the website to create a source of income which is subsequently used to pay for the range of expenses the site accrues in its daily operations.
I'm sure we'll all agree that adverts, in any format, really are a pain in the backside. Unfortunately, they're a necessary pain in the backside.
Many people are ignorant (some willfully) of how online advertising works or like to make assump...- 135 Comments
Recently I posted an article on the site explaining my journey from complete modding virgin to modding beginner. It was a great experience as I navigated mods, tweaked different settings and waded through the various problems to get certain mods to work, which is where the communities knowledge really came in useful.
But now, I'm going to take it one step further; I'm going to go through the process of making a mod!
Naturally, I'll start small and not ...- 28 Comments
Back again with another Staff Picks, the regular feature where we spotlight some of the amazing work that is found on Nexus Mods. These mods may be old or new, popular or unknown, serious or silly - anything goes!
For the first time, Dark0ne has submitted a pick, and I have to say it's a real gem. Can definitely see this one being add to my 'necessary mods for Fallout 4' list.
Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so k...- 20 Comments