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Created by

Marcelo X

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About this mod

・Fonts replaced.
・The fourth Onion Knight is purple again.
・Fighter and Knight are redheads again.

Permissions and credits
Also includes mods for Final Fantasy I and II Pixel Remaster.

Game changes:
・Font has been replaced with an official Final Fantasy font that is drastically better.

Overworld and Battle changes:
・The angry-looking characters look less angry now. (This took MANY modified sprites, sooo many...)
・The Pink Onion Knight has been restored to Purple like he was in the Family Computer version (He only wore red in the battles due to limited onscreen colors, but if you used the fourth Onion Knight as your main, he would wear Purple in the overworld. Seriously though, pink...what the hell was Square Enix thinking???)
・Fighter is a redhead again!!!
・Knight is a redhead again!!!