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This project was a long immense project. This project has been unreal. It started June 23rd 2014 and took 3 months. This mod replace Red XIII, a quadruped Lionish with a full blown kick-ass Lycanthrope. This mod includes the battle model, field model, custom animations, 7 limit breaks, avatar and all casting animations. A lot of people have had hands in on this and I really appreciate it. If you find any problems or bugs or ideas on animation tweaks let me know. :::Thanks:::to those who worked directly on the project and especially CMH175, who I feel ended up more as a co producer than someone who assisted.
Leet Jeet KaldarashaEQ2AlyzaKuroda
JuseteAnd everyone who had suggestions and pointers.And all of the creators of the tools that were used for the project.