Start a new game and only fight bosses! Each victory will add all items up to the next boss to your inventory. Plan things carefully, because supplies and experience are limited!
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Like fighting bosses? Hate running to the next one and picking up all the important little items along the way? All the little cutscenes and dialogues and RANDOM ENCOUNTERS? Well you're in luck, because now you get to go straight to the good parts.
Boss Rush is meant to be a fun challenge. You only fight bosses, so experience and AP are limited, you skip a lot of the good enemy skills and other loot from random encounters, and you (currently) only get a few materia shops to use. The good news is that you get all items between each boss fight added to your inventory automatically. Losing also doesn't force a game over, and there's an option in game to start the next fights automatically until you lose.
I've played through the mod with the preset "The Works" in "Postscriptthree's Gameplay Tweaks." It mostly makes the game easier, but usually not enough to change things that drastically. I'm interested to hear other players' experiences and perspectives on the difficulty with or without other mods.
All bosses are in the game, and it is beatable from start to finish. It's still a work in progress, and I'd like to add more shops and features at least. Let me know if you have any suggestions for things.