That's the nasty original, yeah. I'll post a video of the new version at least that shows the new music playing where that monstrosity played previously.
As both a working musician in a variety of roles and a big fan of the original game as well as of the original composer, it's not an exaggeration to call that Scarlet theme a complete embarrassment in many respects. With autotune so prevalent nowadays, some producer or engineer should have had the sense to tune that singers performance to at least be acceptable. The lyrics maybe needed another translation pass or twenty. The composing team on the remake took a lot of liberties and did a lot of things they shouldn't have, shoe-horning poor compositions into scenes where the general idea they were going for doesn't even fit the mood. Just use the original material and polish it up with better than ps1 samples, that's all they needed to do...
While I respect your opinion, I also 100% disagree. While obviously Uematsu's work is untouchable in many respects, I think Hamauzu's work is actually very strong not just in this game, but in so many other games he's done; I think he deserves a bit more respect. The remixes and multiple compositions that are renditions of previous Uematsu tracks in multiple cutscenes (or completely new tracks) work extremely well in the cutscenes of this game cinematically. I think just using remastered ps1 songs flat out during scenes like og ff7 does, would not have worked at all. Also, there are plenty of really amazing new tracks in this game: Whisper's theme, Ghoul (not sure if that's what it's called exactly), Infinity's End, etc. All amazing tracks in their own right. While I agree not ALL songs are great and fit as well as they should, (personally not a fan of the new repetitive wall-market theme, even if it does fit the style) frankly, I think the same could be said about og ff7's soundtrack as well, if you ask me.
i cant help but agree. sure, not every remake track is on-point but you'll notice most people arent replacing infinity's end or critical shot. there's some straight bangers.
Have not played the game yet, but will soon as it's now on pc. So for real.. ?
This music was swapped to some jazz music???? Horrible. Nobuo Uematsu's work on this game CANNOT be topped ever. I am already thankful, even though I have yet to play this. :)
Yeah, they totally threw in some super cheesy cringefest lounge jazz theme for Scarlet when you're infiltrating shinra tower. The backing track is actually fine if it were somewhere else, but the idea, lyrics, and chick singing out of tune are really a slap in the face.
Fair warning since we seem to have a similar respect for Uematsu's original work, in my opinion they make a lot of unfathomable musical decisions like this in the remake, even if they aren't all as glaringly obvious.
Hey man, can you make all these new bad music tracks swaped with original ones but ones on Yamaha drivers from PC which are simply the best versions?
Ha! That would be a fun idea, but an insane amount of work. Plus there's a bunch of cues for the cutscenes that you couldn't just drop the old tracks on. Personally I'd go for the old school PS1 samples if it was me though!
Yeah I never really understood that track either. I mean it's not bad at face value but it just doesn't work in VII, let alone the Shinra tower which is supposed to be this very dark and serious place, "the belly of the beast" as the game calls it. It would work well in a Bioshock game but in VII and especially in this specific place it just.. doesn't make much sense. I get that Scarlet is a sophisticated woman but slapping hopeful jazz champagne music is kinda meh.
Well said! Yeah, they really didn't seem to understand the tone of a lot of scenes in the remake...I don't know if it's on the new composers or some director or producer who insisted on these wacky ideas occasionally, but I'm not a fan!
I feel ya. I could write a whole essay on how the new composers mainly produced bad or simply adequate work on this big budget high profile title, and all the best stuff are reasonably faithful renditions of Uematsu's original work. You could drop all of his original compositions with the outdated PS1 sounds into this game and it wouldn't just work, it would improve a lot of areas. Goes to show you can't cover up a lack of sense for melodies and composition with 100 tracks of fancy sample nonsense or over-orchestrated recordings. in fairness though, I get the sense that at least one of the composers should have been making dance music somewhere and was just miscast on this project.
This is the one your talking about? The cringey theme (Not gonna lie, I don't even remember that much).
Do you have a tutorial link teaching how replace BGM/battle theme? I ´d like to change some crap battle theme with classic battle theme.
Thanks in advance.
Kingdom Hearts 3 Audio/Music Replacement Guide - Google Docs
So for real.. ?
This music was swapped to some jazz music???? Horrible. Nobuo Uematsu's work on this game CANNOT be topped ever. I am already thankful, even though I have yet to play this. :)
Yeah, they totally threw in some super cheesy cringefest lounge jazz theme for Scarlet when you're infiltrating shinra tower. The backing track is actually fine if it were somewhere else, but the idea, lyrics, and chick singing out of tune are really a slap in the face.
Fair warning since we seem to have a similar respect for Uematsu's original work, in my opinion they make a lot of unfathomable musical decisions like this in the remake, even if they aren't all as glaringly obvious.
can you make all these new bad music tracks swaped with original ones but ones on Yamaha drivers from PC which are simply the best versions?
It would work well in a Bioshock game but in VII and especially in this specific place it just.. doesn't make much sense.
I get that Scarlet is a sophisticated woman but slapping hopeful jazz champagne music is kinda meh.