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About this mod

I got tired of the trumpet battle theme, so I've made this mod to replace it with the one from FFVII remake :

The transition at the end of the music (2min41) is rough, but that's all I can do with my very limited experience of modding.

There's also a quick tutorial to import your own musics.

Permissions and credits
How to install:

1. Download VBF Browser for FFXII: https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy12/mods/3
2. Open VBF Browser and open *steam_folder*\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY FFX&FFX-2 HD Remaster\data\FFX_Data.vbf
3. Go to ffx_data\gamedata\ps3data\sound_pc\music and inject both of the files to this location.

How to import your own musics:

1. Extract both ffx_music.fev and ffx_music_bank00.fsb somewhere on your computer with VBF Browser
2. Decompile ffx_music_bank00.fsb with FSB Extractor (http://aezay.dk/aezay/fsbextractor/)
3. You'll get all music of the game in WAV format
4. Install FMOD Designer (not FMOD Studio) and open it
5. Create a project you'll name "ffx_music"
6. In "Events" tab, create a new event named "music"
7. Drag and drop all WAV files on the "music" event
8. Delete the one you want to replace (in FMOD Designer)
9. Go on Youtube and choose one music you like
10. Download it in WAV format (there are online downloaders you can find on Google : "download youtube in wav")
11. Rename your WAV file with the exact same name as the music you've deleted in FMOD Designer
12. Drag and drop it in FMOD Designer
13. Ensure all musics are checked on "Repeating loop" (and yes it takes a little time to click on each music and each checkbox)
13. In the "Banks" tab, ensure the bank is named "ffx_music_bank00"
14. "Project" -> "Build" -> Check the bank and click on "Build"
15. Two new ffx_music.fev and ffx_music_bank00.fsb files are created where the project is saved
16. Use VBF Browser to inject the files into your "FFX_Data.vbf" (for me, it worked better with version v1.0. Also, if the injection takes more than 5 minutes, there may be something wrong with the WAV file you imported)
17. Share it on the Nexus :)

Have fun!