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Version 1.3.0
Rebuilt all the bundles, so they should now take up less space and RAM
Adjusted the skin color of all the emblems (screenshots not updated)
Adjusted the colors/materials of Aymr, Areadbhar and Failnaught
Variour bug fixes
Version 1.2.1
Added playable Shez and Reinhardt. Requires their respective Emblem mods. This mod can still be played without those mods, but in that case these two units will not join you.
Adjusted some weapon and unit stats (check the spreadsheet)
Lowered the forging cost of all weapons, and increased stats gained from forging
This mod adds normal playable unit versions of all the Emblem characters. They will join you once you enter the Somniel after clearing chapter 4.
All the units are at lvl 5. They all have custom classes, join with a personal weapon, and have both a custom personal skill and class skill. You can find info about their stats, growths, and everything else here.