File information
Created by
Clxbsport - JamesMiata - JakeMGUploaded by
ClxbsportVirus scan
About this mod
Originally made as a playlist we made to improve our personal experience playing Horizon 5, this mod completely overhauls the soundtrack of the game. The idea is to echo the original "inspired by Coachella/Tomorrowland" music festival vibe established by Horizon 1 and 2, improving from what we think is a really subpar vanilla tracklist.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
DISCLAIMER: While I have tested this mod going online in Horizon Life and and haven't gotten any bans to my account, we are absolutely NOT liable if your account is suspended. Go online at your own risk!
Not seeing the new version yet? It may be still uploading. Use the Google Drive mirror if that's the case.
Originally made as a playlist we made to improve our personal experience playing Horizon 5, this mod completely overhauls the soundtrack of the game. The idea is to echo the original "inspired by Coachella/Tomorrowland" music festival vibe established by Horizon 1 and 2, improving from what we think is a really subpar vanilla tracklist.
The most extensive and comprehensive soundtrack to come to Forza Horizon 5 yet, this brings together over 200 songs from over 100 different artists across all 8 Festival radio stations, enhancing your experience in Horizon Mexico.
Whether it's racing, cruising, drifting, or messing around, each song is selected to ensure this Horizon Adventure is one you won't forget.
The full tracklist is in the "Stations" folder in the zip file. You can also find the original playlist that directly influences this mod here:
- All-new songs across all radio stations
- Double the amount of songs vs. the base game
- Correct and proper loops + a no-looping version available
- Stingers for Pulse, Bass Arena, and XS replaced with those from Forza Horizon 2
- Brand-new custom stingers for Radio Eterna, now Horizon Aftertouch
- New voice lines for Block Party, XS, Liquidity (Hospital) and Aftertouch (Eterna) from JakeMG, JamesMiata, CraptasticJack, and Clxbsport*
- Solely client-side - does not alter online play
*Only for end-game and repeating dialogue such as skill songs, season changes, Expedition appearances, and a few new blurbs. Old DJs may still be heard in other parts of the game.
A month filled with race cars and motorsports deserves a banging soundtrack to go with the thundering engines. Update 2.2 delivers a fresh set of music, featuring new releases from the likes of Royal Blood, ODESZA, and Wavedash, alongside some nostalgia-filled beats by Zedd and M83.
Epitaph Radio has been overhauled with the heaviest of metal from the label and beyond - Metallica, Disturbed, and Bring Me The Horizon deliver the hardcore from Sierra Nueva to all across Mexico.
Horizon Liquidity now has a brand-new DJ: YouTuber and host of Trucker FM's Late Night Rock CraptasticJack slides to the Horizon airwaves, delivering your daily dose of drum & bass with his signature DJ style.
This update also serves as a warmup to the upcoming Horizon Retrowave update, which brings a brand-new radio station to the Festival.
The Windows Store version will require you to do the "Take Ownership" command ( or enable the Advanced Installation Options on the Xbox App. The latter might require you to reinstall the game.
- Make sure to backup the following folder: (your directory)\ForzaHorizon5\media\Audio\
- Drag and drop the contents of the media folder in your Forza Horizon 5 directory - everything should be replaced accordingly.
- Boot up the game and exit your House/Festival Site. Switch to any of the radio stations and the new music should be playing.
OPTION: Should you prefer the non-looping version, you can grab the RadioInfo_EN.xml file from the Options > No Loops folder and drag it to: (your directory)\ForzaHorizon5\media\Audio\
This will disable songs from looping during races and in the post-race screen. Should be handy if you're the type of person who likes to do endurance racing or The Eliminator.
- This has only been tested in the ENGLISH language version of the game, other languages are not tested. If you're using a different language, you may need to rename the "RadioInfo_EN.xml" file to your corresponding language (ex. "RadioInfo_MX.xml" for Mexican Spanish); doing this will change all radio stingers and voice lines to English
- A few songs in the EventLab/Super7 preview won't preview properly; not sure what's causing the bug but the song itself should still play properly outside of it
- Some songs might not play from the beginning when just randomly shuffling in freeroam
- There are rare cases where a Skill Song will be shown as over 30 minutes long. This is only a visual glitch, no song in the mod is that long - it should disappear the moment the song ends
- When staying in one station for a long time (or if you keep restarting dozens of times), a bug may occur where it'll be stuck playing one song on loop. Kind of like Radio Awesome in FH4's LEGO Expansion. This might require a game restart
- When in Streamer Mode, the song names and timings may be incorrect. Though let's be real, if you're using the mod, are you really gonna be bothered with YouTube copyright?
JamesMiata - for being the brainchild of this entire thing and curating a lot of the bangers you hear in the radio, as well as for providing voice lines for Horizon XS and making the stingers for Aftertouch
JakeMG - for giving the idea to mod the songs in the game, for testing it in the Windows Store version, giving input for Horizon Block Party, for providing voice lines for the same station, and for providing the Horizon 2 and 3 audio files
NF - for giving inputs on Horizon Block Party
Pixzl - for being the #1 bug hunter of the mod, without you I'd likely be lost in a lot of troubleshooting
Havic - for creating the ingenious mod that allows for more music slots in all of the radio stations
CraptasticJack - for providing voice lines for Horizon Liquidity
Clxbsport - for curating for some of the other songs in the mod and importing the songs in the game, as well as providing voice lines for Aftertouch. This is me so... yes.
All songs are copyright of their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
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Hopefully this improves your Horizon 5 experience the same way it did for us!
You can contact me through the following places (I'm more active in those than here):
- Discord: clxbsport
- Twitter: @Clxbsport
This message was posted last year when the mod broke due to the radio information file suddenly becoming server-sided. It's unclear if it's targeted to this mod or not, but whatever the reason, it was still a PITA. While this is no longer the case, I left this up here to get the message across to Playground that this mod only really aims to enhance the gaming experience, not deter it.
With the recent discovery of what's seemingly an online file-check of the radio information file, it has come to my (and the people use this mod) attention that it was implemented to curb the usage of this mod and to force people to fallback to the default radio station playlists. If you'd like me to shut down development of this mod for whatever reason (maybe some violation of Xbox Terms of Service or a dispute with record labels), I'd rather you'd let me know personally by messaging me through the channels above or here in Nexus rather than having to go through the hassle of implementing additional file checks.
Also, there's a lot more pressing issues with your game that you have to take priority than this mod, such as actual cheaters and hackers that deliberately ruin other people's online experiences. With this mod, it simply aims to enhance the user experience and make people play for longer than they normally would be - it is simply a client-side thing, it doesn't impact online leaderboards and stuff.
Even I go back to the game and play it for longer when I have nothing else to do - cruising, racing, etc. Now with you guys seemingly shutting down the mod, I have no motivation to go back to playing the game besides hopping on for a couple hours every week to get the new cars. I am not discrediting your work into putting together that playlist, but it's not my cup of tea.