- Refine results Found 18 results. 101 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Overpowered Racial Ability and Extremely Powerful Starting System Mod
This mod adds "Overpowered" racial ability that gives you a plethora of bonuses in pretty much every aspect of the game, as well as a great starting system "Kepler-51" that contains three class 30 planets with their own traits (shielded, active core and bread basket) that are colonizable right off the bat.
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Overpowered Racial Ability and Extremely Powerful Starting System Mod
This mod adds "Overpowered" racial ability that gives you a plethora of bonuses in pretty much every aspect of the game, as well as a great starting system "Kepler-51" that contains three class 30 planets with their own traits (shielded, active core and bread basket) that are colonizable right off the bat.
the Insane-Abundant Balance mod created to balance the game for larger maps.
Mossman's Galactic Civilization 3 Overhaul
An extensive overhaul of Galactic Civilization 3 for the purpose of balance and internal consistency. Ship hulls and components, ideology trees, governments, events, planet traits and features, and more. No major changes to the basic gameplay.
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Mossman's Galactic Civilization 3 Overhaul
An extensive overhaul of Galactic Civilization 3 for the purpose of balance and internal consistency. Ship hulls and components, ideology trees, governments, events, planet traits and features, and more. No major changes to the basic gameplay.
Peregrine's Battle Behavior Mod
Battle behavior is changed for all ship roles in order to add tactical depth.
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Peregrine's Battle Behavior Mod
Battle behavior is changed for all ship roles in order to add tactical depth.
Fixes many of the combat roles mercenary ships have to make them more useful.
Reasonably More Exp Gain from Combat
Speed up you (and your opponent)'s Exp gain from combat by giving exp bonus from beating "Experienced" ships, ships with larger hull, and Merceneries.
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Reasonably More Exp Gain from Combat
Speed up you (and your opponent)'s Exp gain from combat by giving exp bonus from beating "Experienced" ships, ships with larger hull, and Merceneries.
Rebalance the game around the new lowered population count
Changing racial traits. Racial bonuses now have a tangible impact and are useful.
Overall, I overhauled the game to accomplish the following:Remove restrictions on technology that were locked behind racial traits. Increasing the speed of gameplay and access to tech, ideology, and building options.Aligning tech, ideologies, racial abilities and lore, sci-fi lore, and reality to an extent.Removed some major
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Overall, I overhauled the game to accomplish the following:Remove restrictions on technology that were locked behind racial traits. Increasing the speed of gameplay and access to tech, ideology, and building options.Aligning tech, ideologies, racial abilities and lore, sci-fi lore, and reality to an extent.Removed some major
A mod to change star and planet diversity and density, plus racial traits changed
Re-balances ship weapon and defense modules based physics concepts and starbases based on large asset tactical defense concepts.
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Re-balances ship weapon and defense modules based physics concepts and starbases based on large asset tactical defense concepts.
Increased speed and range of commanders.
Updating the mod for the current version (these files infrequently required updating). Requires DLS Mercenaries Expansion Pack for full functionality.
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Updating the mod for the current version (these files infrequently required updating). Requires DLS Mercenaries Expansion Pack for full functionality.
ILO Insane - loose clusters - occasional
overhaul of the tech tree and some starbase/shipyard stuff to accommodate insane, loose clusters, with occasional or common stars/planets, but works great on any insane map
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ILO Insane - loose clusters - occasional
overhaul of the tech tree and some starbase/shipyard stuff to accommodate insane, loose clusters, with occasional or common stars/planets, but works great on any insane map
Removes the increase in the cost of trading with AI on high difficulties.
Vanilla game files
Updated Simple Ideology mod for the current version of DLS Retribution.
Note: haven't updated but if anyone wants to use this tell me and I will.Tweeks I've made including:Fixing Mercenary combat roles, weapons' statsOverhauled ship templatesFixed extreme planet tech requirementsMany event adjustmentstourism rebalancedVery good equipment, improvements cost more maintenance
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Note: haven't updated but if anyone wants to use this tell me and I will.Tweeks I've made including:Fixing Mercenary combat roles, weapons' statsOverhauled ship templatesFixed extreme planet tech requirementsMany event adjustmentstourism rebalancedVery good equipment, improvements cost more maintenance