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Created by

zlRafa Irmandade Ghost

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About this mod

Number of gadgets increased and 2 new gadgets

Permissions and credits
-Syringe MK2 now has x8.
-C4 Charge MK2 now has x7.
-C4 Charge now has x7.
-EMP Mk3 now has x7 + x4 from default game, totaling x11.
-Gas Filter now has x4 + x3 from default game, totaling x7.
-Added a hidden item 'Advanced Sensor Grenade' with a detection radius of 80 meters.
-Added a hidden item 'Drone Tracker' this item was supposed to detect Drone Operators but it doesn't work. But it can be used as binoculars but without HUD.
-Now the binoculars are in place of the bandages. (Now you have to select the bandage).

Some items have been reduced so that others can be increased, such as:
-Mine Mk1 to x5.
-Frag Mk1 to x6.
-Flash to x6.
-Flaire to x4.
-Breach Torch to x4.

Bonus: (Echelon Class).
-Shock Pistol now has x7.
-Anti-drone spray is now in place of the shock pistol. (to restock you need to enter the bivouac).

Installation guide

For veterans: Place files in DBContainerEntry and Repack. Place files in Game Bootstrap Settings and Repack.

For newbies:

Download and install AnvilToolkit.Configure Anvil Toolkit, disable compression in Settings->Files and set compression ratio to 0.
Unpack DataPC_patch_01.forge.
Unpack '1_-_DBContainerEntry0x10...'.
Copy the files from the folders you downloaded and paste them into '1_-_DBContainerEntry0x10...'. Using AnvilToolkit, right-click on 'DBContainerEntry' and repack.
Go back by double-clicking the upward arrow 
Right-click on the DataPC_patch_01.forge folder and recompress.

(Game Bootstrap Settings)
Unpack DataPC_patch_01.forge.
Unpack '0_-_Game Bootstrap Settings.data.'
Copy the files from the folders you downloaded and paste them into '0_-_Game Bootstrap Settings.data'. Using AnvilToolkit, right-click on '0_-_Game Bootstrap Settings.data' and repack.
Go back by double-clicking the upward arrow 
Right-click on the DataPC_patch_01.forge folder and recompress.