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Original upload

Created by

SgtPorkchop91 and Boris 4774

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About this mod

NVG Replacement

Permissions and credits
This mod replaces the (often) unused Steiner Vision (Model 2740) Monocular NVG and replaces it with the two-hole Balaclava from Lion's Icon.
While the NVG is invisible, the NVG mount remains in place.

  • Character can wear a balaclava while equipping a facemask.
  • Works well with Scarf B, Shemagh, and my other facemask mod

  • Don't recommend using the GRFS Helmet (if wearing with a headset, headset will clip with GRFS Helmet headset)
  • Use Helmets that can mount NVGs (Hats and other non-NVG mountable helmets will make balaclava disappear)
  • Don't use with other balaclavas (clipping issues)

Installation instructions
Disable BattleEye (optional, but good to do, BE may sometimes crash your game with modded installs):
  • Go to your GRB directory and open the BattlEye folder.
  • Open BELauncher.ini and set SilentInstall to 0.
  • Save the file and run the Uninstall_BattlEye.bat.
  • Add the command line argument "/belaunch -be" in your launcher.
  • At next Startup click Cancel on the BattleEye PopUp (you may check "Do not ask me again.").

  • Download and install AnvilToolkit.
  • Set up Anvil Toolkit, disable the use of compression in Settings->Files and set compression ratio to 0.
  • Unpack DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge
  • Open Extracted folder in your GRB directory and open the DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge folder.
  • Copy the .data folders into the DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge/Extracted subfolder. If the Extracted subfolder doesn’t exist, create it. Your file path should look like Extracted/DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge/Extracted/(your mod folders here)
  • Select the added folders in AnvilToolkit, right-click, and select "Repack" - you should see the message
     Finished repacking data files | Successful: NN | Failed: 0
  • Head back up to the top-level Extracted folder in AnvilToolkit and click on DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge
  • Right-click the folder, and select "Repack" - you should see the message
    Successfully written forge file!
  • After it's done repacking, you can delete the Extracted folder if you so desire. I don't recommend it, though, since there'll be more mods like this to come, and you'll probably want to install them!

NOTE: Some clipping of Facial Hair and Eyewear may occur