Perfect Block is always active & block from any angles!
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Version 1.0.0
Release! Compatible for 1.4.6
Absolutely Perfect blocking any enemy (and friends) with this mods!
This mod will bring this game difficulties from easy to baby mode, by making perfect block last 999 seconds & making it perfect from 360 degrees! On addition of this, this mod is verify to work on Multiplayer when installed from the Host! Meaning if the Host is installing this, anyone join the server will 100% receive the effects, not just the host!
Once Unzip, your file should look something like this:
(Please ignore the rest, some of the mods is still working in progress)
And congrats, you are set!!! Open up Grounded and join your current world or make a creative world to test, find an enemies, and holding down your block button, if you manage to block an enemies while turning your back at it, it should work, like this image below!