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Changes various values in the game to make it more balanced, as well as more fun. Some things that are too easy are made more difficult, some things that are too hard or too grindy are made easier.
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- Changelogs
Version 1.3.1
- Maximum total spawn weight for creatures in raids has been decreased from double that of base game to 10% more than base game.
- It now takes 0.45 seconds instead of 4.8 seconds to do the dial on the REMIX.R machine to enter the next NG+.
- Spiny Water fleas now have a 75% chance to drop 1 Pond Moss and a 25% chance on top of that to drop another Pond Moss.
- Spiny Water Fleas now have a 68% chance to drop 3 Science Waffles.
- Spiny Water Fleas can now drop a Science Waffle in NG+1 instead of NG+2.
- Infused Mantis now has a 100% chance to drop a Science Waffle and a Science Cone.
- Infused Mantis will now drop a Science Cone in NG+1.
- Infused Hedge Broodmother now has a 100% chance to drop a Science Waffle and a Science Cone.
- Infused Hedge Broodmother will now drop a Science Cone in NG+1.
- Infused Wasp Queen now has a 100% chance to drop a Science Waffle and a Science Cone.
- Infused Wasp Queen will now drop a Science Cone in NG+1.
- Wasps can now drop a Science Waffle in NG+1 instead of NG+2.
- Wasps can now drop a Science Cone in NG+1 instead of NG+4.
- Infused Mant now has a 100% chance of dropping all Infused Weapons instead of a 25%/75% chance.
- Director Smechtor now has a 100% chance of dropping all Infused Weapons instead of 25%/75% chance.
- Black Widows now have an 83% chance to drop a Science Waffle and a Science Cone.
- Black Widows can now drop a Science Cone in NG+1 instead of NG+2.
- NG+ raw science nodes give 5000 raw science instead of 1500 raw science.
- BURG.L’s Old Flipper damage increased from 60/60/75 to 133/133/166.
- BURG.L’s Old Flipper charged damage increased from 90 to 190.
- BURG.L’s Old Flipper charge time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 0.4 seconds.
- BURG.L’s Old Flipper Victory Feast effect increased from 5 food on kill to 26 food on kill.
- BURG.L’s Spare Eyes sleek effect with BURG.L’s Old Flipper increased from a 20% crit chance to a 40% crit chance.
- Mantis Kebab recipe crafting requirements decreased from 5 Broodmother Chunks to 2 Broodmother Chunks and from 2 Fire Ant Heads to 1 Fire Ant Head.
- Sour Lumps can spawn in buried treasure chests in base game instead of being exclusive to being in NG+.
- Biometric Scanner scan time decreased from 8 seconds to 1.3 seconds.
- Lil Fist no longer clears all gathered stack upon taking damage.
- Mad Scientist Critical Hit chance increased from 10% to 20%.
Version 1.3
- Restored the cooldown between and priority for attacks on the Mantis.
- Increased Mantis left cleave attack speed by 30%.
- Increased Mantis right cleave attack speed by 30%.
- Increased Mantis great cleave attack speed by 15%.
- Increased Mantis inverted great cleave attack speed by 25%.
- Mantis now has 4200 health instead of 3400.
- Increased damage of Infused Dagger from 82/82 to 95/95.
- Infected Mites now make you take 100% more damage from explosions instead of 25% more damage.
- Increased Mant 2-Hit combo attack speed by 10%.
- Increased Mant 3-Hit combo attack speed by 20%.
- Increased Mant 4-Hit combo attack speed by 30%.
- Increased Mant grenade toss attack speed by 35%.
- Increased Mant overhead smash attack speed by 20%.
- Increased Mant basic punch attack speed by 55%.
- Increased Mant summoning speed by 80%.
- Mant phase 2 now starts at 90% health instead of 75% health.
- Mant phase 3 now starts at 75% health instead of 50% health.
- Speed Droplet now increases speed by 45% instead of 35%.
- Truffle Tussle now has a 5% chance to trigger instead of a 10% chance to trigger.
- Increased Truffle Tussle explosion damage from 75 to 250.
- Increased Wasp Queen figure 8 sting attack speed by 65%.
- Increased Wasp Queen screech attack speed by 50%.
- Increased Wasp Queen attack stab combo speed by 15%.
- Increased Wasp Queen stinger jab attack speed by 25%.
- Wasp Queen emerges 50% faster now.
- Removed idle time from Wasp Queen.
- Ladybird Larva now inflict 25 sizzle instead of 10.
- Movement speed buff with Aphid Slippers are now reduced in combat by 50% instead of 100%.
- Movement speed buff with Natural Explorer tier 1 is now reduced in combat by 50% instead of 100%.
- Movement speed buff with Natural Explorer tier 2 is now reduced in combat by 50% instead of 100%.
- Movement speed buff with Natural Explorer tier 3 is now reduced in combat by 50% instead of 100%.
- Thirst now drains 5x as fast in the Sandbox and BBQ Spill instead of 2x as fast.
- Timer gizmo now has a maximum time of 10 seconds.
- Timer gizmo now has a minimum time of 0 seconds.
- Timer gizmo can now be incremented by 0.01.
- Lure arrow and lure trap radius increased 10x. It can attract Orb Weavers, Stinkbugs, Bombardier Beetles, Bees, Aphids, Wolf Spiders, Worker Ants, and Soldier Ants.
- Lure arrow and lure trap now hold lured creatures attention for 1 minute instead of 20 seconds.
- Decoy bait radius increased 10x. It can attract Koi Fish, Diving Bell Spiders, and Water Boatman.
- Decoy bait now holds lured creatures attention for 1 minute instead of 20 seconds.
Version 1.2
- Being in the Black Anthill now gives 30 negative reputation per hour instead of 5 for Black Ants.
- Being in the Fire Anthill now gives 30 negative reputation per hour instead of 5 for Fire Ants.
- Being in Flooded areas now gives 8 negative reputation per hour instead of 1 for Mosquitoes.
- Being in Haze now gives 10 negative reputation per hour instead of 1 for Infected Creatures.
- The minimum score you can get on the report card is now 0% instead of 60%.
- Corporate Kickback now has a 10% chance to proc instead of a 5% chance to proc.
- Lucky Hat now requires 100 Clover Leaves instead of 20.
- Infused creatures now have a 75% movement speed bonus instead of a 30% movement speed bonus.
- Wasp raids no longer have priority.
- Lowered the max destruction amount of building pieces in raids from 35% to 10%.
- Doubled the total spawn weight amounts for enemies in raids, which should mean that double the amount of enemies spawn in raids.
- Lil Fire Helm damage resistance increased from 75% to 95%.
- Mantis now has a 1 second cooldown between all of its attacks.
- Mantis now has the same priority between all attacks.
- Removed the idle time from the Mantis.
- The Mantis now emerges after 0.5 seconds instead of waiting 6 seconds to jump into the arena.
- Mantis sprint speed increased from 750 to 1250.
- Mantis walk speed increased from 500 to 750.
- Increased Grub wander range by 10x.
- Increased the angle at which grubs can walk on from 45 to 90.
- Increased Gnat wander range by 10x.
- Increased Gnat derp factor from 1 to 278.
- Meaty Gnat size increased by 50%.
- Multiplied Bee shout range by 100x.
- Eyepatch now reduces threat generation by 80% instead of 10%.
- Sturdy Shell, Acorn Armor Set, and Red Strategist Armor Set now increase threat generation by 65% instead of 20%.
- Roly Poly Armor Set now increases threat generation by 500% instead of 50%.
- Black Strategist Armor Set and Koi Scale Armor Set now apply 12 stun instead of 1.
- Black Strategist Armor Set increases summon attack speed by 100% instead of 10%.
- Fire Strategist Armor Set increases summon crit chance by 30% instead of 15%.
- Fire Strategist Armor Set increases acid splash chance on crit from 30% to 75%.
- Infused Daggers damage increased from 46/46 to 82/82.
- Decreased aggro range of the Fire Worker Ant by 50%.
- Decreased the range in which the player needs to be out of for Fire Worker Ants to deaggro by 40%.
- Mushroom Quarter Wall costs 1 mushroom brick instead of 2.
- Pebblet Hammer damage increased from 26/26/33 to 36/36/45.
- Pebblet Hammer charged attack damage increased from 65 damage to 80 damage.
- Insect Hammer damage increased from 42/42/53 to 50/50/63.
- Insect Hammer charged attack damage increased from 100 to 120.
- Black Ox Hammer damage increased from 72/72/90 to 90/90/113.
- Black Ox Hammer charged attack damage increased from 165 to 210.
- Salt Chipper damage increased from 100/100/125 to 175/175/219.
- Salt Chipper charged attack damage increased from 225 to 275.
- Spikey Sprig damage decreased from 40/40/50 to 34/34/43.
- Red Ant Club damage decreased from 58/58/73 to 52/52/65.
- Mint Mace damage decreased from 100/100/125 to 86/86/108.
- Spicy variants of the Mint Mace damage decreased from 100/100/125 to 86/86/108.
- Sour variants of the Mint Mace damage decreased from 100/100/125 to 86/86/108.
- Mushrooms now take 5 in game hours to fully grow instead of 48.
- Large Mushrooms now take 24 in game hours to fully grow instead of 72.
- Toadstools now take 24 in game hours to fully grow instead of 72.
- Sprigs now take 2 in game hours to fully grow instead of 20.
- Plant Fiber now takes 1 in game hour to fully grow instead of 15.
- Clovers now take 1 in game hour to fully grow instead of 15.
- Grass now takes 6 in game hours to fully grow instead of 48.
- Muscle Sprouts now take 30 in game hours to fully grow instead of 60.
- Muscle Sprouts now have a 10% chance of mutating instead of 1% chance.
- Fixed Red Ant Armor giving 15 hauling strength instead of 3.
Version 1.1.2
- Pucker Charm drop chance decreased from 5% to 2%.
- Pucker Charm "+Sour Attack" effect increased from 15 damage per hit to 25 damage per hit.
- Suspicious Mint drop chance decreased from 5% to 2.5%.
- Suspicious Mint "+Fresh Attack" effect increased from 15 damage per hit to 25 damage per hit.
- Spectacular Spicy Shard drop chance decreased from 5% to 2.5%.
- Spectacular Spicy Shard "+Spicy Attack" effect increased from 15 damage per hit to 25 damage per hit.
- Shiny Salt Crystal drop chance decreased from 5% to 2.5%.
- Shiny Salt Crystal "+Salt Attack" effect increased from 15 damage per hit to 25 damage per hit.
- Apex Predator effect with Scythe of Blossoms increased from 40% more attack speed to 50% more attack speed.
- Infused Bows now have 750 durability instead of 300 durability.
- Infused Bows can now block cancel.
- Barbarian now decreases the perfect block window by 75 milliseconds instead of 10.
- Assassin bleed effect decreased from 10/20/30 every second for 5 seconds to 8/16/24 every second for 5 seconds
- Increased price of all cookbooks from 500 raw science to 1500 raw science.
- Previously only the non charged shots of the Bard's Bow had increased damage. Now the charged shots do as well.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Arrow increased from 75 to 90.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Crow Feather Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Venom Arrow increased from 75 to 90.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Lure Arrow increased from 75 to 90.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Gas Arrow increased from 75 to 90.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Salt Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Mint Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Spicy Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Splinter Arrow increased from 88 to 110.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Super Gas Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Super Venom Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Sour Arrow increased from 80 to 100.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Bomb Arrow increased from 150 to 220.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Pollen Arrow increased from 75 to 90.
- Bard’s Bow charged shot damage with Cupid’s Arrow increased from 75 to 90.
- Lil Fist effect now has a cap of 200 instead of 100.
- "+Damage Resist" infusion that Infused enemies can have in New Game+ increased from 10% to 20%.
- Infused Scythe damage increased from 84/84/105 to 110/110/138.
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed Sour Globs costing 20 Sour Lumps
- Black Ox Armor piece effect “Overbearing” of having a 51% chance per piece to lower the damage that enemies deal by 35% for 15 decreased increased to having a 51% chance per piece to lower the damage that enemies deal by 30% for 15 seconds
- Black Ox Armor sleek effect “Quickcharge” of increasing charge attack speed by 28% per piece decreased to 20% per piece.
- Black Ox Armor set bonus “Stunning Charger” of adding 95 stun to charged attacks decreased to add 50 stun to charged attacks.
- Entomologist Badge effect “Imperfect Block” now decreases the perfect block window by 100 milliseconds instead of 25 milliseconds.
- Trapper PEEP.R effect decreased from crit damage up 50%/100%/200% to 25%/50%/100%.
- Tier 2 meal effect length decreased from 32 minutes to 24 minutes.
- Tier 3 meal effect length decreased from 64 minutes to 32 minutes.
Version 1.1
- Creature Changes:
- - Director Smechtor health buffed from 4000 to 10000.
- - Director Smechtor raw science amount on loot increased from 1000 raw science to 2500 raw science.
- - Mant health buffed from 3200 to 5000.
- - Mant raw science amount on loot increased from 1000 raw science to 2500 raw science.
- - Wasp Drone preferred elevation is 75 instead of 150.
- - Antlion Roamer drop rate for Antlion Pincers increased from 50% to 55%.
- - Pit Antlions drop rate for Antlion Pincers increased from 50% to 100%.
- - Pit Antlions now have a 50% chance to drop a second pincer.
- - Black Ox Beetle health increased from 1450 to 1750.
- - Black Ox Beetle has a 100% chance to drop 1 horn.
- - Black Ox Beetle has a 25% chance to drop a second horn.
- - Black Ox Beetle has a 100% chance to drop 2 black ox parts.
- - Increased drop rate of 4 Black Ox Parts from 25% to 30%.
- - Increased drop rate of 4 Black Ox Parts from 25% to 30%.
- - Increased Koi Fish aggro range from 4000 to 16000.
- - Increased Koi Fish danger level from 25 to 50.
- - Scarab health decreased from 80 to 10.
- - Mantis parry debuff effect now reduces the parry window by 15 milliseconds instead of 150 milliseconds.
- - Broodmother Lunge attack effect on hit now reduces the parry window by 15 milliseconds instead of 150 milliseconds.
- - Wasp Queen parry debuff effect on hit now reduces the parry window by 15 milliseconds instead of 200 milliseconds.
- - "+Damage Resist" infusion effect that Infused enemies can have in New Game+ reduced from 40% to 10%.
- - Infected Broodmother no longer gains any critical hit chance while being in the infected water in her lair.
- - Infected Broodmother lifesteal while in the infected water in hear lair doubled from 100% to 200%.
- Weapons & Armor Changes:
- - Club of the Mother Demon damage decreased from 105/105/131 to 90/90/113.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Arrow increased from 65 to 80.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Crow Feather Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Venom Arrow increased from 65 to 80.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Lure Arrow increased from 65 to 80.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Gas Arrow increased from 65 to 80.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Salt Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Mint Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Spicy Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Splinter Arrow increased from 77 to 99.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Super Gas Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Super Venom Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Sour Arrow increased from 70 to 90.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Bomb Arrow increased from 130 to 200.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Pollen Arrow increased from 65 to 80.
- - Bard’s Bow damage with Cupid’s Arrow increased from 65 to 80.
- - Scythe of Blossoms damage increased from 70/70/88 to 75/75/94.
- - Defensive Stance effect with shields damage reduction decreased from 20% to 2.5%.
- - Assassin’s Armor piece effect “Cutman” of having a 50% chance to apply a bleed effect on crit that deals 20 damage every second for 10 seconds increased to 40 damage every second for 10 seconds.
- - Assassin’s Armor sleek effect “Crit Stun” of having a 30% chance to apply stun on crit increased from 25 stun to 95 stun.
- - Assassin’s Armor set bonus “Critical Hit Chain” of giving 2.5% more crit chance after performing a critical hit increased to 5% more crit chance after performing a critical hit, does not stack per piece.
- - Blaster of the Moldy Matriarch damage decreased from 125 to 100.
- - Moldy Matriarch Armor piece effect “Big Boom” of having a 10% chance to increase critical hit damage by 5% that stacks 20 times increased to a 50% chance to increase critical hit damage by 5% that stacks 60 times.
- - Moldy Matriarch Armor sleek effect “DynaMighty” of having a 20% chance, stacking per piece, to reduce enemy’s explosive resistance by 20% for 10 seconds increased to a 20% chance, stacking per piece, to reduce enemy’s explosive resistance by 50% for 10 seconds.
- - Moldy Matriarch Armor set bonus “Cluster Bomb” of having a 10% chance to cause an explosion that does 70 damage increased to a 50% chance to cause an explosion that deals 200 damage.
- - Ant Queen Scepter level 6 mighty effect “+Attack Speed” increased from 20% to 75%.
- - Black Ox Armor piece effect “Overbearing” of having a 33% chance per piece to lower the damage that enemies deal by 20% for 15 seconds increased to having a 51% chance per piece to lower the damage that enemies deal by 35% for 15 seconds.
- - Black Ox Armor sleek effect “Quickcharge” of increasing charge attack speed by 12% per piece increased to 28% per piece.
- - Black Ox Armor set bonus “Stunning Charger” of adding 25 stun to charged attacks increased to add 95 stun to charged attacks.
- - Bee Armor piece effect “Bow Stun” of having a 20% chance to apply 3 stun on hit increased to a 20% chance to apply 15 stun on hit.
- - Bee Armor set bonus “Pollen Shot” that has a 25% chance to release a pollen cloud that deals 5 stun increased to a 36% chance to release a pollen cloud that deals 5 stun.
- - Roly Poly Armor piece effect “Block Stun” increased from 3 stun on block to 15 stun on block.
- - Moth Armor piece effect “Ranged Cut” of having a 30% chance per piece to cause a bleed effect that deals 20 damage a second for 5 seconds increased to a 30% chance per piece to cause a bleed effect that deals 35 damage a second for 5 seconds.
- - Moth Armor sleek effect “Jumpstart" of having a 5% chance per piece to give the player 100 stamina increased to a 15% chance per piece to give the player 100 stamina.
- - Bard’s Tudor sleek effect “Healthy Harmony” of giving a 50% chance to make nearby enemies 5 damage every second for 10 seconds increased to a 50% chance to make nearby enemies 45 damage every second for 10 seconds.
- - Bard’s Tudor sleek effect “Healthy Harmony” of giving a 25% chance to heal the player 5 health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds increased to a 25% chance to heal the player 15 health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
- - Wasp Armor piece effect “Charged Shot Combo” that gives uncharged bow shots a 30% chance to give a 5 second effect that reduces the charge attack time of bows by 75% increased to give uncharged bow shots a 100% chance to give a 5 second effect that reduces the charge attack time of bows by 75%.
- - Wasp Armor sleek effect “Quick Shot Refund” that gives charged bow shots a 30% chance to apply an effect for 5 seconds that makes uncharged bow shots give 30 stamina per hit increased to have charged bow shots give a 100% chance to apply an effect for 5 seconds that makes uncharged bow shots give 121 stamina per hit.
- - Wasp Armor set bonus “Air Superiority” that gives uncharged bow shots a 75% chance to deal 30 stun against flying creatures increased to give uncharged bow shots a 75% chance to deal 250 stun against flying creatures.
- - Fungnir damage increased from 55/55/69 to 65/65/81.
- - Fungnir charge attack damage increased from 125 to 225.
- - Fungnir charge attack explosion damage increased from 75 to 375.
- - Infused Spear damage increased from 66/66/83 to 75/75/94.
- - Prod Smacker charged attack damage increased from 240 to 350.
- - Increased base durability of Spicy Staff from 200 to 650.
- - Increased base durability of Mint Staff from 200 to 650.
- - Increased base durability of Sour Staff from 200 to 650.
- - Increased base durability of Ant Queen Staff from 200 to 650.
- - You can now block cancel with the Spicy Staff.
- - You can now block cancel with the Mint Staff.
- - You can now block cancel with the Sour Staff.
- - You can now block cancel with the Sprig Bow.
- - You can now block cancel with the Insect Bow.
- - You can now block cancel with the Bard’s Bow.
- - Bard’s Bow durability increased from 300 to 650.
- - Increased damage of Spider Fang Dagger from 23/23 to 30/30.
- - Increased damage of Widow Dagger from 38/38 to 60/60.
- - Tripled Mint Staff range from 500 to 1500.
- - Increased Finale Bleed bleed DoT damage from 5 damage every second for 7 seconds to 50 damage every second for 7 seconds.
- - Increased Finale Parry increased parry window effect from 15 milliseconds to 75 milliseconds.
- - Increased Finale Parry increased damage after parrying from 25% to 75%.
- - Stinger Spear crit chance increased from 1% to 5%.
- - Black Ant Armor “Crit After Block” increased from a 50% chance to give a 1% crit chance after blocking to a 50% chance to give a 10% crit chance after blocking.
- - Black Ant Armor “Crit Hyperstamina” increased from a 50% chance to increase stamina regeneration by 20% for 20 seconds to a 50% chance to increase stamina regeneration by 62% for 20 seconds.
- - Fire Ant Shield durability increased from 250 to 750.
- - Ladybird Shield durability increased from 250 to 750.
- - Infected Ant Shield durability increased from 250 to 750.
- - Wizard Hat durability increased from 30 to 80.
- - Increased “+Perfect Block” from Wizard Hat from 30 milliseconds to 65.
- - Increased damage from Wizard Hat sleek effect “Wizard’s Duel” from 40% to 80%.
- Item Changes:
- - Increased drop chance of “Pucker Charm” from 1% to 5%.
- - Increased drop chance of “Spectacular Spicy Shard” from 2% to 5%.
- - Increased drop chance of “Suspicious Mint” from 2% to 5%.
- - Increased drop chance of “Shiny Salt Crystal” from 1% to 5%.
- - Increased drop chance of “Fungal Charm” from 1% to 5%.
- - Entomologist Badge effect “Imperfect Block” now decreases the perfect block window by 25 milliseconds, the perfect block window is 250 milliseconds by default.
- - Shinobi Sneeze damage decreased from 20 to 2.
- - Sninobi Sneeze effect “Invisibility” and “-Attack Damage” duration increased from 5 second to 30 seconds.
- - Deuces Trinket effect “The Quickness” increased from 30% to 100%.
- - Speed Droplet effect “The Quickness” increased from 10% to 35%.
- - Unstable Capacitor effect “Short Circuit” proc chance increased from 10% to 45%.
- - Unstable Capacitor effect “Short Circuit” damage increased from 30 to 75.
- - Thor’s Pendant healing received increased from 10% to 25%.
- - Fancy Fletching effect of reducing exhaustion timer by 75% for 5 seconds on a bow shot increased to reduce exhaustion timer by 89% for 20 seconds on a bow shot.
- - Infected Broodmother Trinket effect “Blastwave” of having a 25% chance to cause an explosion that does 70 damage increased to a 25% chance to cause an explosion that deals 200 damage.
- - Muscle Sprout, Aphid Honeydew, Billy Hog Bite, Cookie Sandwich Bits, Apple Bits, Raw Aphid Meat, Raw Gnat Meat, Raw Weevil Meat, Raw Grub Meat, Raw Water Flea Meat, Donut Chunk, Chocolate, Smoochies Chocolate, Rainbow Chocolate, Mushroom, and Algae now give 2 hunger instead of 7.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Black Ox Parts increased from 2 to 3.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Roly Poly Parts increased from 2 to 3.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Wasp Shells decreased from 4 to 2.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Stinkbug Parts decreased from 6 to 4.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Sour Lumps decreased from 10 to 2.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Mint Shards decreased from 10 to 2.
- - Repair Glue recipe that uses Spicy Shards decreased from 10 to 2.
- - Increased amount of Rocky Rounds given on craft from 25 to 50.
- - Increased amount of Groundy Rounds given on craft from 15 to 30.
- - Increased amount of Pointy Rounds given on craft from 25 to 75.
- - Increased amount of Sappy Rounds given on craft from 15 to 30.
- - Increased amount of Burny Rounds given on craft from 10 to 25.
- - Increased amount of Splody Rounds given on craft from 5 to 20.
- - Increased amount of ‘Merica Rounds given on craft from 5 to 20.
- - Increased amount of Ash Cement given on craft from 2 to 4.
- - Increased amount of Mushroom Bricks given on craft from 4 to 8.
- - Tier 1 meals effect length increased from 12 minutes to 16 minutes.
- - Tier 2 meals effect length increased from 16 minutes to 32 minutes.
- - Tier 3 meals effect length increased from 20 minutes to 64 minutes.
- Mutation Changes:
- - Trapper PEEP.R phase 1 effect of Critical Hit Damage Up increased from 20% to 50%.
- - Trapper PEEP.R phase 2 effect of Critical Hit Damage Up increased from 40% to 100%.
- - Trapper PEEP.R phase 3 effect of Critical Hit Damage Up increased from 60% to 200%.
- - Apex Predator effect with Bard’s Bow now has a 100% chance to give an effect that has a 50% chance to spawn a Wasp to attack for you (was a 20% chance to give an effect that has a 25% chance to spawn a Wasp to attack for you).
- - Apex Predator effect with Bard’s Bow Wasp summons now last for 30 seconds instead of 10 seconds before dying, unless they get an attack in first.
- - Apex Predator effect with Bard’s Bow Wasp summon DOT damage increased from 1 damage every second for 10 seconds to 10 damage every second for 10 seconds.
- - Apex Predator effect with Club of the Mother Demon damage increased from 45 damage every 5 seconds for 30 seconds to 150 damage every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.
- - Apex Predator effect with Scythe of Blossoms of 25% more attack speed increased to 40% more attack speed.
- - Spore Lord 5% chance to give an exponential 1% increase to explosive damage increased to a 40% chance to give an exponential 1% increase to explosive damage that has a cap of 50.
- - Spore Lord 10% chance to give an exponential 1% increase to explosive resistance increased to a 75% chance to give an exponential 1% increase to explosive resistance that has a cap of 50.
- - Spore Lord 5% chance to give an additive 0.5 health healed every 3 seconds increased to a 40% chance to give an additive 0.5 health healed every 3 seconds that has a cap of 50.
- - Spore Lord 5% chance to give an exponential 1% increase to movement speed increased to a 40% chance to give an exponential 1% increase to movement speed that has a cap of 50.
- - Bardic Inspiration effect “Obstinate Overtune” which a 20% chance to apply an effect that reduces damage taken by 25% increased to a 50% chance to apply an effect that reduces damage taken by 50%.
- - Bardic Inspiration effect “Critical Concerto” which a 20% chance to apply an effect that increases crit chance by 10% increased to a 23% chance to apply an effect that increases crit chance by 84%.
- - Bardic Inspiration effect “Attack Aria” which has a 20% chance to apply an effect that increases attack damage by 20% increased to a 50% chance to apply an effect that increases attack damage by 87%.
- - Barbarian no longer removes the perfect block window, but instead decreases the perfect block window by 10 milliseconds, the perfect block window is 250 milliseconds by default.
- - Javelineer Mastery effect of increasing spear charged damage increased from 30% to 78%.
- - Whittle Wizard enemy movement speed slow with Mint Staff has been increased from 10%/20%/30% to 25%/50%/75%.
- - Whittle Wizard burn DoT with Spicy Staff has been increased from 5/10/15 damage every second for 5 seconds to 15/30/45 damage every second for 5 seconds.
- - Whittle Wizard stun effect with Sour Staff have been increased from 2/4/6 to 10/20/30.
- - Whittle Wizard Mastery Perk of reducing stamina usage of staves by 50% increased to reduce stamina cost of staves by 69%.
- - Sharpshooter Mastery effect with Mint Arrows increased from a 30% enemy movement speed debuff increased to a 75% enemy movement speed debuff.
- - Sharpshooter Mastery effect with Spicy Arrows increased from applying a DoT that deals 10 damage every second for 5 seconds to 45 damage every second for 5 seconds.
- - Sharpshooter Mastery effect with Sour Arrows stun on hit increased from 10 to 30.
- - Assassin bleed effect increased from 6/15/20 every second for 5 seconds increased to 10/20/30 every second for 5 seconds.
- - Assassin Mastery Perk of increasing enemy’s weakness to bleed increased from 25% to 100%.
- - Juicy thirst rate increased from 50% to 100% (Completely removes the need to drink water).
- - Daredevil fall defense increased from 50% to 96%.
- Other Changes:
- - Doubled range of Milk Molar scanner from 4000 to 8000.
- - Cooking 101 purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 1000 raw science to 100 raw science.
- - Cookbook Sandbox purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 3500 raw science to 500 raw science.
- - Cookbook Hedge purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 3500 raw science to 500 raw science.
- - Cookbook Pond purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 3500 raw science to 500 raw science.
- - Cookbook Brawny Boy Bin purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 3500 raw science to 500 raw science.
- - Cookbook Haze purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 3500 raw science to 500 raw science.
- - Cookbook Termite Den purchasable item from the ASL Terminal cost reduced from 3500 raw science to 500 raw science.
- - Increased Coziness level 4 Health over time effect from 1 health every 2 seconds to 10 health every 2 seconds.
- Unintended Side Effects:
- Drinking the water in the Infected Broodmother Lair will result in you getting stunned after every block or every perfect block (at least nobody drank the water when fighting the Infected Broodmother anyways).
Some Features:
Block canceling with ranged weapons, notably candy staves and regular bows
Changes drop rates of Black Ox Beetles and Antlions
Buffs armor like Assassin's Armor, Wasp Armor, Bard's Tudor, Moth Armor, Black Ox Armor, Bee Armor, and Moldy Matriarch Armor
Buffs mutations like Spore Lord, Apex Predator, Whittle Wizard, Barbarian, and Sharpshooter
Buffs weapons like the Bard's Bow, Scythe of Blossoms, Prod Smacker, and Fungnir
Buffs shields to reduce damage when held by 2.5% instead of 20%
Buffs trinkets like the Speed Droplet, Unstable Capicator, and Deuces Trinket
Buffs drop rates of trinkets like the elemental trinkets and Fungal Charm
Buffs bosses like the Mant and Director Smechtor
Buffs aggro range of the Koi Fish
Makes the Wasp Drone stay 50% closer to the ground
Makes smaller food items give less hunger
Reduces and increases the cost of some repair glue recipes
And so much more! Full patch notes included in the download.
To Install:
Download the zip file, extract its contents, and put the files inside the zip file into the following folders based on what platform you play on:
- Steam:
- Windows Store (Or Gamepass Version):
Created by Apex, join the official Grounded discord server if you have any suggestions for changes to current values or changes for other things that should be tweaked. Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Block canceling with ranged weapons, notably candy staves and regular bows
Changes drop rates of Black Ox Beetles and Antlions
Buffs armor like Assassin's Armor, Wasp Armor, Bard's Tudor, Moth Armor, Black Ox Armor, Bee Armor, and Moldy Matriarch Armor
Buffs mutations like Spore Lord, Apex Predator, Whittle Wizard, Barbarian, and Sharpshooter
Buffs weapons like the Bard's Bow, Scythe of Blossoms, Prod Smacker, and Fungnir
Buffs shields to reduce damage when held by 2.5% instead of 20%
Buffs trinkets like the Speed Droplet, Unstable Capicator, and Deuces Trinket
Buffs drop rates of trinkets like the elemental trinkets and Fungal Charm
Buffs bosses like the Mant and Director Smechtor
Buffs aggro range of the Koi Fish
Makes the Wasp Drone stay 50% closer to the ground
Makes smaller food items give less hunger
Reduces and increases the cost of some repair glue recipes
And so much more! Full patch notes included in the download.
To Install:
Download the zip file, extract its contents, and put the files inside the zip file into the following folders based on what platform you play on:
- Steam:
- Windows Store (Or Gamepass Version):
Created by Apex, join the official Grounded discord server if you have any suggestions for changes to current values or changes for other things that should be tweaked. Any and all feedback is appreciated!