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This user's image description contains 19 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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Then open up a restaurant, on the yacht
Imagine the price you could charge for a California Condor egg omelette or baby seal steak.
Damn you pretty much have everything in GTA Online lol. yacht is like 10mill full upgraded O_o How much $$ do you make a night lol.
Great shots and narration of your time playing GTA Online.
That yacht, the Luxor airplane, Swift chopper, limousine and a facility with some expensive cars.
He may have had some hacker money dropping friends in his past
edit: just googled it and no you cant :(... thatd be sweet to crash a yacht into homeless people like a proper banker
Edit: Those jeans have got to go....