Profitable but frustrating

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  1. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    If you want the yacht to be fun, you need to use it to hunt endangered species or something.

    Then open up a restaurant, on the yacht

    Imagine the price you could charge for a California Condor egg omelette or baby seal steak.
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      American bald eagle burgers! Seasoned with homeless tears :p
  2. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Whoa what is with the low res jeans can't even get a decent butte shot with how terrible the resolution O_o HAHA

    Damn you pretty much have everything in GTA Online lol. yacht is like 10mill full upgraded O_o How much $$ do you make a night lol.

    Great shots and narration of your time playing GTA Online.
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      I need to buy new jeans! They're so bad! The Yacht isn't mine. SQUISH-0w0 who is a lower level than me owns:
      That yacht, the Luxor airplane, Swift chopper, limousine and a facility with some expensive cars.
      He may have had some hacker money dropping friends in his past I stay away from them.. they're bannable.
    2. Darksaber87
      • supporter
      • 102 kudos
      Oh I see that, I should learn to read better lol. But still that's a boat load of crash. Close to 100mill easy
    3. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 255 kudos
      Female bodies in GTA Online are ugly, CBBE is needed !
    4. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      I agree! And I visited the strip club. Those boobs lol
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    Don't mess with the Beth!
  4. User_39363975
    • account closed
    • 102 kudos
    holy sh­it can you drive that yacht D:

    edit: just googled it and no you cant :(... thatd be sweet to crash a yacht into homeless people like a proper banker
  5. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    I can't stop laughing at the humorous narration in your sets. Nice guy flew you to your own murder on a military base......second date anyone Very entertaining, Beth.

    Edit: Those jeans have got to go....
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      They do! They're going right on the street before I toss a molotov cocktail on them