About this mod

Restores the beta colors and gives them the ability to dual wield, fly and crouch.
It also adds support for using other Vehicles.
Allows you to change the color of Brutes.
Adds the shielded effect.
Also supports a playable Brute version..
Doesn't change the original Brutes.

Permissions and credits
This File is still Work in Progress

Mostly about animation, i think the behavior is ok so far.
Animation is done about 900 files.
  • Dual Wielding is completed.
  • Flight needs to be improved and completed. (Melee don't work when flying... don't know why)
  • They can use all vehicles, most of them look good now.

This file contains:
Halo 3 BrutesVariants
  • Minor, Major, Ultra
  • Captian, Captian_Major, Captian_Ultra
  • Tracker, Stalker, Bodyguard
  • Chieftain_Armor, Chieftain_Weapon
  • Jumppack, Jumppack_Major (New)
  • Ranger (New, can fly)
  • Whelp, Whelp_Major (new, very agressive, berserk like Halo 2)

Captian_Major, Captian_Ultra
-Won't lose their armor when their shield is depleted.

-Have rechargeable shields and keep their armor.

-Fly around
-In walking mode uses his Jetpack to jump like a Jumppack-Brute

-Don't like guns.
-They go into berserk mode when they spot an enemy.
-No limit for Berserking
-No Shields nor Armor

-Guns are useful.
-Are limited in Berserking.
-Has an Helmet
-No Shields

Dual Wielding
-When the AI ​​throws an equipment, it drops the secondary weapon.
-This can be prevented by adding unusable equipment such as a grenade under "Initial Equipment" under Fireteam.
Otherwise just remove it from the animation.

There is now a fully usable Player model. With FB-Body and Arms.
It should feel alright. There might be some glitches. So point them out and I can fix it.

So far it's almost completed.
If you have any Request for them please tell me.

Brief Overview

Vehicle usage
  • Banshee (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Wraith (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Ghost (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Chopper (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Mauler (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Throne (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Phantom (Somewhat, Exit, Idle)
  • Insertion Pod (Full, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Shade (Full, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Turret (Full, Detach, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Warthog (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle) + Different Varations
  • Mongoose (Full, Enter, Exit, Idle) + Passanger doesn't have much of a difference in animation for Weapons
  • Hornet (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Scorpion (Full, Board, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Pelican (Full, Enter, Exit, Idle)
  • Elephant (Full, Enter, Exit, Idle)

Combat Usage
  • Dual (Full, Reload, Overheat, Grenade/Equipment Throw, Crouch, Melee, Flight)
  • Rifle (Full, Reload, Overheat, Grenade/Equipment Throw, Crouch, Melee, Flight)
  • Pistol (Full, Reload, Overheat, Grenade/Equipment Throw, Crouch, Melee, Flight)
  • Support (Full, Reload, Grenade/Equipment Throw, Crouch, Melee, Flight)
  • Hammer (Full, Grenade/Equipment Throw, Crouch, Melee (Flight melee dosen't work))
  • Unarmed (Full, Grenade/Equipment Throw, Crouch, Melee (Flight melee dosen't work))
  • Flag (Flag is equal to Hammer exept: , Melee)
  • Ball (Ball is equal to Pistol)
  • Sword (Sword is equal to Unarmed exept: Melee (Flight melee dosen't work))
  • Missile (Missile is equal to Rifle)
  • Turret (Turret is equal to Rifle)


If I forgot something in the animation, please tell me.
Otherwise, have fun modding.

How to install:
- Navigate to ?:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\H3EK
- Place the files from tags in tags

If Guerilla is still open during the progress
Close it and open it again.
Then you are able to see the tags.