About this mod
Halo 2 Elite biped and character tags for use in Halo 3. Uses Halo 3 Elite collision, physics and animations. Includes first person models, and all necessary bitmaps and shaders.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This is a .zip containing tags for the Halo 2 Elite model in Halo 3. Included are campaign and multiplayer biped tags, first person arms and body tags, and the bitmaps and shaders. Emblems are supported on the multiplayer variant.
This is a resource for map compiling. It won't do anything unless it's compiled into a .map
Installation (Multiplayer Use):
- Download the .zip
- Move the tags folder into your H3EK directory
- In Guerilla, open the globals.globals tag
- Under @Player Representation, click the drop down and choose "elite multiplayer"
- Replace "first person hands" with "fp_arms.render_model" found in the "fp_arms" folder in the "objects/characters/h2 elite" directory.
- Replace "first person body" with "fp_body.render_model" found in the "fp_body" folder in the "objects/characters/h2 elite" directory.
- Replace "third person unit" with "mp_elite.biped" found in the "objects/characters/h2 elite" directory.
- Save your "globals.globals".
- Compile your map.
- In Guerilla, open your scenario
- Add the .characters found in "objects/characters/h2 elite/ai" to your Character Palette.
- Choose the desired character for your squad, under "Squads -> Fireteams -> character type"
- Save and compile your .scenario