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About this mod

This is my new firefight map made in Visegrad (Winter Contingency).
I've added new weapon like the Battle Rifle, silenced magnum from H3 ODST, Brute plasma rifle, M73 Light machine Gun, Covenant carbine, H4 beam rifle and Assault SMG (extracted from GTA V).

Permissions and credits
This is my new firefight map made in Visegrad (Winter Contingency).
I've added new weapon like the Battle Rifle, silenced magnum from H3 ODST, Brute plasma rifle, M73 Light machine Gun, Covenant carbine, H4 beam rifle and Assault SMG (extracted from GTA V). These weapons appears in some waves like brutes, elites, jackals, skirmishers, and heretics.
The heretic elites were replaced by insurrectionists and UNSC marines traitors.
Zealots, gutas and buggers appears in this firefight.
Just like in installation 04, there are marines that will be present to help you.
In this firefight map i changed the time of the map, from morning to afternoon, like the multiplayer map Highlands, and i've added covenant crusiers in the sky to improve the environment.
For the new weapons, i've added new icons and huds.
The gutas appears with the general elites, chief brutes and heavy heretics.
INSTALATION: You need to extract and dragg the "fmod" and "maps" folders into: Halo The Master Chief Collection\haloreach\
Be sure to make backup copies of the files you are going to replace.