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Caden243 - Nexus iWallbangya69 - Discord

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About this mod

Skeletonized AR platform replacing the Adjudicator.

Permissions and credits
Skeletonized AR platform replacing the BR-14 Adjudicator. File size is pretty big compared to other mods. I am still learning how to work all of the programs required to make these mods. I will continue to optimize and update to try to bring the size down so it doesn't bog down as much. Feedback concerning performance would be greatly appreciated! Please work with me while I try to optimize when I can, but I figured I would get the mod into your hands in the meantime.

A huge shoutout to the modding discord for the help in making this and a special thanks to quimera987 for walking me through along the way and another special thanks to Arcane Poro for helping point out what needed fixed. I appreciate all your help!

Scope replacer comes from Custom Scopes Compendium