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About this mod

Adds a new town to the game based on WoG's Neutral Town, H3's Refugee Camp and influenced by Mesopotamian, Sumerian and Akkadian mythologies.
It also adds several new spells, new neutral and special creatures.

Permissions and credits
Refugee is a new town that takes its inspiration from WoG’s Neutral Town and H3's Refugee Camp. The common point of its creatures is their nonbelonging to the other factions. Thus, this castle sports concepts such as nomadism, motley armies and makeshift solutions. The town also takes elements from the Mesopotamian, Sumerian, and Akkadian mythologies.

VCMI Forum: Official Thread

The soundtrack can be found on Youtube (see videos shared on this mod page).

What this mod does ?
This mod adds a brand new playable faction to the game, as well as several new spells.
Units were taken from H3 vanilla neutral units + WoG Sorceress & Hellsteed/nightmare.

There are some submod to helps you configure the features, such as enabling new neutral unit "Shapeshifter" (unit that transforms into several vanilla creatures), new creature bank with genies & efreets that reward you with a powerful djinn called "Daeva", alternative music theme, WoG supports (for WoG users), etc.
Note : There is a detailed readme inside the mod folder in PDF format. Please read it for further information.

How to install :
1) Copy folder "RefugeeTown".
2) Paste it into the folder : "%username%\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods".
3) Use VCMI Launcher to enable the mod.
4) (Optional) : Using sub-mods, choose what to enable/disable according to your taste.