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The definitive lighting mod for HITMAN 3. Significantly improves visual clarity, accessibility, and aesthetic choices.
- 17.4MB
- 762
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The definitive lighting mod for HITMAN 3. Significantly improves visual clarity, accessibility, and aesthetic choices.
Knight (Andrea Morgan) with customizations
Replace 47 Signature Suit with Knight with custom outfit and gear.
- 32.1MB
- 154
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Knight (Andrea Morgan) with customizations
Replace 47 Signature Suit with Knight with custom outfit and gear.
Adds a single shot taser to the game. Works online and offline.
"Ascend" the Blood Money suit to Hitman 3 (or Hitman 2) suit meshes. Also features the Requiem Suit and bonus Sniper Challenge variants. Up to 10 variants per suit!
- 18.4MB
- 28
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"Ascend" the Blood Money suit to Hitman 3 (or Hitman 2) suit meshes. Also features the Requiem Suit and bonus Sniper Challenge variants. Up to 10 variants per suit!
Hitting on Men World of Boykissing
No boy is unkissable.Replaces logo and splash screen background.
- 1.6MB
- 28
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Hitting on Men World of Boykissing
No boy is unkissable.Replaces logo and splash screen background.